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Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers
Edit # Wiki page Type Comment Sent for moderation Points Status
24997 Hotel Transylvania Popstic Game Added Specular Theory to the list as the developer and co-publisher 10/25/18 03:35PM 2 approved
24574 War Dust Game Added relevant information to the game details 10/22/18 04:44PM 40 approved
24428 New Company Company Because this developer/publisher has developed/published Hotel Transylvania Popstic, a game now in the wiki. Since they aren't in the wiki yet, they cannot be properly added as the developer/publisher. 10/21/18 11:45AM 10 approved
24424 Hotel Transylvania Popstic Game Added relevant information to game details 10/21/18 11:32AM 38 approved
24142 New Game Game Because the game has already been out for nearly a month and does not have a page yet. I like complete lists, and there's already quite a few Hotel Transylvania games listed, so adding this would make that list complete. 10/20/18 06:39PM 10 approved