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I dislike Brad's assertion that "you're never going to get to the optimum way to do things" in State of Decay 2. Maybe he just means "it's unlikely you'll get your campaign to the point where all units and buildings are 100% fantastic" (though how could he possibly know that, maybe in the end game you do really stabilize all resources), or maybe he meant resources are so hard to come by and no base location is perfect and there's always trade offs. Either way, I still don't like the general assertion/tone that "this management sim will always be as stressful as I'm finding it to be right now at the 10-15 hour mark."

It's a statement I feel like I've heard GB staffers make on occasion when they're playing a game prerelease and have no idea how they should be upgrading/playing the long game/prioritizing resources. But even in a game with scarce resources like State of Decay 2/Frostpunk/This War of Mine/FTL, I guarantee that upon release, the strategy/management sim experts will pretty quickly find some things you can prioritize to be more consistently successful and minimize losses. It's not that I expect reviewers to be masters at prerelease games, but I wish they would acknowledge that their difficulties probably stem from their super blind playthrough without any aid from the Internet, and in most cases no resource-scarce game stays as some kind of unsolvable riddle after release.

People are going to discover and share helpful and efficient strategies post-release. Games get figured out. Assuming that a majority of players might at least consider googling these tips once or twice, those players will probably have an easier time making it through the game compared to however a prerelease reviewer had to blunder their way through a complicated management game.

The game came out friday, I was on the SOD reddit saturday night reading a post on which base/layout/mods make your base self sufficient with almost no need to scavenge ever again. This isn't some impossible thing to solve.

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Edited By breq

Damn, is Patrick ok? It sounded like he drank 5 gallons of coffee during that COD/Fortnite segment. I think I could hear his hear racing through my headphones.

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@sethmode said:

@breq: that is wild and hilarious. I've been SUPER lucky so far. Just some weird issues with my flashlight from time to time that go away after turning it on and off (although I've probably jinxed myself).

Last night I couldn't get a follower to help me with missions. Turns out I already had a follower that wasn't showing up in the world, but DID show up as a little icon on the mini map moving around like it was there. WEIRD STUFF, lol.

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@jivemind said:

Heard elsewhere it's supposed to be bug-ridden as fucc? No word of it here and I didn't notice anything neither.

Oh it's a technical mess alright, but I'm having a blast playing it. I dumped supplies into the trunk of my truck then the truck spun in the air for 5 seconds and became a polygon nightmare of shapes, but I could still drive it fine. I hit a barricade and the truck became invisible for the rest of my session. Doors regularly looked closed or open, but have prompts to do the opposite. Small white or orange horizontal lines appear and disappear on the screen. Zombies will rag doll when they die with a high chance their corpse comically somersaults into the sky.....I could go on and on...

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@vodsel said:

400lb_gorilla is partly right. No one here is brave enough to agree with him, but I'll be the first and more will come.

I had to watch the video before I commented, but yeah I kinda agree. When Vinny/Drew/Ian would do weird overlay hijinks they were adding to the already awkward situations. This stuff just feels like trying to force in their own. I'd much rather hear/see Jan on camera than crowbar in some snapchat filter level stuff.

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