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Poppin The Blog Cherry, One Game At A Time!

After a fair amount of waiting, its finally here!! I am pumped, as I am sure all of you are as well, so enough of that.. Lets get to what this is all about, Games.

So lately, I have been on this huge gaming frenzy. It is partially due to the fact that I just got my Xbox back from a friends house after about a month of not having it, and it is also from all the the big (sorta) news in the past week that has gotten me pumped to be playing some older stuff that i had in my collection that i hadn't ever finished. In the past 2 weeks i have burned through God of War (finally) which didn't disappoint, gotten half way through Shadow of the Colossus, played through Portal for the first time, and finished campaign in Call of Duty 4. That mixed with some achievement whoring in Geometry Wars and Hexic, and the ever addicting CoD4 online multiplayer (just prestiged and am already at Lv. 35) i have been pretty busy. I also picked up No More Heroes for my dusty Wii, since it took a price drop and it really looks intriguing. After only playing through the first level, i am pretty impressed. Technically its not the best game ( the grafics at times look like a dated GameCube game) but the insanity of the story and interesting gameplay are pretty sweet.  I look forward to getting into it a bit more and seeing how it all unfolds.
Then there is the Electronic Three that took place just this past month.. Although over all it was a tad underwhelming in the way of new and unexpected announcements, there were some truely great looking games displayed there, and even more that looked to have great potential. As one of the many who had to rely on such sorces as Giant Bomb, Joystiq, Kotaku, and yes, even Gamespot, i was fairly impressed by the flood of content that immerged out of what was expected to be a slow and trite convention. I tried to keep up with as much of the major announcements as i could, but i still am finding myself sifting through trailers and game footage from what has already taken place close to a week ago. I plan on sorta giving my 2 cents on some of the stuff i have been seeing, but i suppose i should wrap this up right now.
Its great to see this site finally up, and i cant wait to explore and see all it has to offer. I will try to post blogs fairly consistantly, as well as remain an active member of the Giant Bomb community..

-Zach AKA BurningStarIV