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Things I learned over the weekend - Monday, 18 October 2010

Gardening was postponed this weekend due to alcohol-related tomfoolery. That doesn't mean I didn't learn a thing or two, though!

There's this game called Noctropolis...

I still can't get over how brilliantly clunky the name of this game is.
I still can't get over how brilliantly clunky the name of this game is.
In Australia, there's a couple of dudes called Hamish and Andy who do an afternoon drive time show on the radio. A guy rang their show (I can't remember the topic) to say he's been trying to finish the game Noctropolis since it was released in 1994. Apparently, this guy has a mad old PC still set up specifically to play this game. He's found it totally vexing and difficult to finish, but is determined to see it through without looking the solution up, even though he's only up to the second boss (apparently out of six). The great bit came where other people rang into the show to say that Noctropolis is actually a piece of piss to complete, and they all finished it pretty quickly back when the game was still a current title.

I'd never heard of it before, but this dude's crapness has led to me checking out some video of the game. Man, it's FMV-tastic. It looks totally creaky by today's standards, but I reckon 17-year-old me would have thought it was brilliant. I'll never play this game (especially since I've now watched a walkthrough) but it's interesting to know it exists. It'll be filed in my brain right alongside The 7th Guest and Psychic Detective.

Mike Post is awesome.

 Boxed set coming soon from Carbon Neutral TV.
 Boxed set coming soon from Carbon Neutral TV.
While nursing a hangover on Sunday, the afternoon's television viewing included Magnum, P.I. and The Rockford Files. While watching the credits for the latter, I noticed that Mike Post wrote the theme songs for both shows. Turns out that the dude has a pretty impressive list of shows he's penned the music for. Check out this impressive list of musical magic: The A-Team, CHiPs, Doogie Howser MD, The Greatest American Hero, Hill Street Blues, Hunter, Law & Order, MacGyver, NewsRadio, Quantum Leap.

That's right, it's all the old shows that none of you kids have any bloody interest in! Cool, huh? On a side-note, it was only the second time I'd ever watched an episode of The Rockford Files but I really love how snappy the writing can be. Definitely interested in watching it again on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
Oh, and even though I've seen the footage and photos it's still always really hard to imagine Tom Selleck without his legendary moustache. Go on, try to picture a mo-less Selleck with your mind's eye. Hard, isn't it? Certainly harder than finishing Noctropolis, that's for sure.