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Hey there Giant Bomb

Hey there,

For those who don't know, I was Mystic_Flames on GameSpot and Destinati0n on GameFAQs and HonestGamers.  So if I know any of you from those sites, feel free to stop on by, as I have not quite figured out the configuration on this site yet.  Over the last few days I've been working on setting up my profile here, as well as transferring a couple of my reviews from my GameSpot days.  As a freelancer most of the other reviews I have done can't be uploaded here due to exclusivity, but I will be doing some personal reviews, and it is those that I will post on here.  If you'd like to check out any of my other reviews, just head over to

As far as gaming goes, I've been trying to finish up Tales of Symphonia on the GameCube.  Definitely a great game, just a tad too lengthy for my tastes.  Nevertheless, I'll probably get around to finishing it within the next few weeks.  As a tennis fan, I've always been tinkering around with Top Spin 3, which is a frustrating game to say the least.  Unlike the previous installments where pushing a button would mean a solid hit, Top Spin 3 requires you to use exact timing to connect with the ball.  Which means holding down the A button and letting go just as the ball comes.  Failure to do this makes you end up looking like a complete doofus.  Oh well, all in due time.

So anyway, I'm glad I finally got over to this site and am looking forward to it.  Always been a big fan of Jeff and Ryan's work so it looks like this will be my blogging home for now.  Talk to you all later.
