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My Top 10 N64 Games Cont. (5-1) -- What are yours?

From my blog: -- What are your favorites? 


Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon


Original release date – 03/31/1998

Now you want to talk about quirky? Take a journey through the eyes of Goemon and his buddy Ebismaru and you will quickly find out why this underrated game is number five on the list. A game that you could say was created to fill the release date gap for Zelda: Ocarina of TimeMystical Ninja Starring Goemon is an adventure title with a mix of platforming and open-world elements. Similar to Super Mario 64 as far as exploration goes, the game will have you traversing open fields, medieval Japanese towns, and huge fortresses, all to clear the alien menace that is threatening their land. The soundtrack was outstanding, the characters are funny, and did I mention you get to pilot a giant “Nutcracker-esque” robot? Enough said.

* 4*

Goldeneye 007


Original release date – 08/25/1997

The funny thing about Goldeneye 007 is that unbeknown to us, this game would go on to be the best “movie-to-game” title of all time. A title that took many by surprise, Goldeneye is still hailed today as one of the greatest FPS of all time. With fast-paced game-play, an excellent multi-player, and a fun story mode, Goldeneye was and still is Rare’s crowning achievement. I can definitely recall sitting around an old TV with four of my friends, as we passed the hours playing with several different weapon types. Whether it was all lasers, rockets, slappers, or throwing knives, the arsenals in Goldeneye were balanced enough that you never felt vulnerable. Well, unless you were playing against that midget Oddjob; we would always have to play rock, paper, scissors to see who got to be him. Honestly I think we should of just banned him altogether. Oh and Control stage Natalya, I still hate you.



Super Mario 64


Original release date – 09/29/1996

What would a Nintendo list be without the little red plumber himself? The first 3D Mario game was truly something to behold back in 1996. Those of us who had grown up with the little guy ever since his debut back in 1985, had never seen him as anything more than a sprite. Seeing him run, jump, and flip through expansive worlds for the first time was truly one of my personal favorite gaming moments. The game had excellent pacing, a balanced difficulty, and a soundtrack that is still memorable to this day (go Youtube Dire Dire Docks). Though there was no Luigi or Yoshi, there were certainly enough nostalgic enemies and challenging tasks to keep you motivated all the way till you grabbed that 120 star. Though I do admit that cake as a final reward is pretty cheap, come on Princess you can do better than that. Unless it’s the kind of “cake” I’m thinking about; think I’ll just stop there and move on.

* 2*

Harvest Moon 64


Original release date – 11/30/1999

If this list was posted five years ago a lot of you would be scratching your heads. Harvest what? However, after its releases on the Gamecube, Wii, and the DS since then, I’m sure most of you have at least heard of the humble little farming simulator. Though the first title was on the Super Nintendo, the series didn’t really grab its’ initial cult following until the number two game in question. Harvest Moon 64 was a title that took everyone by surprise and did what many thought impossible, making “virtual working” fun. Throughout the title, as you continued to gain more crops, livestock, and income, you eventually grew attached to your orange-cap wearing sprite. Upgrading your home, exploring the quaint countryside, and eventually settling down with one of the bachelorettes were all engaging, and at times the days would pass as quickly as my “in-game” ones. It’s games like Harvest Moon 64 that showed you don’t need excessive violence or a lengthy story to make a game great, and that is why it is my second favorite N64 game of all time.


Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time


Original release date – 11/23/1998

I know what most of you are thinking. “Oh come on,  Ocarina of Time  at the top again? This is always everyone’s number one!” Well, have you ever thought why so many come to that conclusion? Could it be that perhaps it is not only the greatest Nintendo 64 game ever, but the best game of all time? Well I won’t make such a grand statement, but it is undeniable that  Ocarina of Time  is one hell of an adventure. Now there’s not a lot of games out there that end up living up to the hype, but the first 3D Zelda floored gamers just as much as Mario’s first 64 bit outing. Jam packed with a thrilling and dark story, an enchanting soundtrack, and a unique combat system, Ocarina of Time  is still played by gamers even 12 years after its initial release. Remade on the Gamecube, Wii, and soon to be on the 3DS, it is quite obvious to see the game’s popularity. Who could forget pulling the Master Sword out of its placeholder for the first time, or tearing through the “chanting” version of the Fire Temple before it was removed because of a bunch of pansies? And even though many of you hated the Water Temple, I’m sure you all felt that incredible sense of accomplishment after getting that last damn key; I know I did. All in all,  Ocarina of Time  was truly a game like no other and as Jeff Gerstmann said in his review of the title back in 1996, “ This is the masterpiece that people will still be talking about ten years down the road.” Well, I think he was right. 

10 - Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire 
9 - Wave Race 64 
8 - Winback: Covert Operations 
7 - Perfect Dark 
6 - Pilotwings 64 
5 - Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon 
4 - Goldeneye 007 
3 - Super Mario 64 
2 - Harvest Moon 64  
1 - Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time