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I played an hour or so of RE0 a few years ago and didn't remember being too impressed, but returning to it now and starting on hard mode I've been enjoying the game quite thoroughly. I always felt that these games were too generous with their items, and RE0 is exactly the kick in the teeth I've been wanting from RE. My main issue with the game though is that the research facility level doesn't feel anywhere near as inspired or memorable as the Spencer mansion. Even the hallways in REmake had something interesting going on for each frame, and RE0 doesn't have that same spark. As a game level its actually fairly good and while the puzzles aren't particularly hard they're still satisfying to solve when you unlock more parts of the house. Also, the train section is actually a lot better than I remember it being. They managed to make it feel interconnected, kind of like what Dark souls did.

I have mixed feelings on the moments where both characters separate, because on one hand it can create a situation where you're stuck with a character who has to deal with a bunch of shit with next to nothing, but on the other it can create a lot of tension if you only have barely enough to get through. There was a moment in the game that trapped me as Rebecca in a room with two hunters and she only had a pistol, but I still managed to make it out. (I guess my experience with pistol only run for REmake helped me out there.) Then there was the fight with the giant centipede where I had Billy use mixed herbs that Rebecca dropped to pick up the key. I guess luck and some skill have kept me from getting too fucked in this game.

The unrelenting difficulty has been enough to win me over on this game though. I got to a situation where I thought my game was fucked when I had to take on a leach zombie with Billy in danger status, only to find out there was a green herb next to it, which rebecca could mix with her red one. RE has never been this difficult, and I love it.

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I'm quite fine with both to be honest. I typically learn toward the ghost purist side of play on my first playthrough, often going out of my way to leave no trace or recollection that I was there, while getting my objective done. The rush of moving through an area unseen while tip toeing by multiple unsuspecting guards going about their daily business is why I play stealth games. You can't say anything like "I get shit done right under their nose without them even knowing I'm doing it" with other genres. At the same time, killing off unsuspecting victims one at a time is also immensely satisfying, but in different ways that don't compare to feeling like a man they would die to see, but never will unless they look.

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#3  Edited By Campion

These posts really made me happy to see. Max Payne 3 was my favorite title of 2013, and a 7 year wait well justified. It did a bunch of new and unexpected things with the character and story (as a sequel should) while staying faithful in tone and gameplay, and it was better for it. That's coming from someone who shouted foul at the lack of comic strips and change of scenery from the first screenshots shown... You just have to give it a chance.

I do agree with what others have said, that while its dumb to say there's a "correct" way to play a game, playing a game like Max Payne with cover mechanic misses the point entirely. I have to question those who call MP3's gameplay "unfaithful" to the original.

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#4  Edited By Campion

[Declarative statement of game quality based on personal enjoyment]

[Supporting arguments consist of poorly explained, single sentence summarizations of snap judgements]

I should just write reviews saying certain games are bad because, well, I said so!

"I stopped playing Half Life 2 because it sucks. The controls are awkward, weapons are underpowered. Shoot the bad guys with a gun? What is with this foreign concept of a game play mechanic? Also the jump button is dumb. I don't need to explain these conclusions, because they're fact. Game gets an F. "

Just sayin', man. Come on.

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#5  Edited By Campion


Oh gosh, I am so happy I'm not the only one having these problems. I was not aware that co-op was optional on this Doom 3, it just wants me to pay for LIVE to access the multiplayer. I'm returning this tomorrow and exchanging it for some better games, particularly Dark Souls. As this man has stated, stay away from the 360 version!

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#6  Edited By Campion

"Free?" We paid for the fucking disk, that includes everything on it

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#7  Edited By Campion

Thanks bro, love Alexander Brandon

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#8  Edited By Campion

Dust is an fabled incarnation, so it wouldn't seem implausible for him to start anew, per say.

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#9  Edited By Campion

@Smokay said:

The way I thought of that scene in particular was that Cassius was a very good friend of the general so it made very good sense that he woud feel conflicted again when he has to kill him.The same thing happens when you meet Ginger,Dust feel compeled to proctect her but he is unaware of who she really is.What im more concerned about in the story is that we never get the reason why Gaius strated the war agaisnt the moonbloods in the first place.

I'm gonna have to agree with this guy. I get the vibe that there is no underlying reason for Gaius's desire for the moonblood genocide other than thinking of them as an impurity and maybe attacking them out of cowardice. This kind of mindset is far from implausible IMO given history, and in that way I feel it gives the plot and situations a lot more gravity over something so petty. These things actually happen, and it effects entire groups of people in major ways. At least that's my view anyway, maybe I'm looking at it too deeply.

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#10  Edited By Campion

Also, I believe "Address Unknown" ended in Max payne 2 with a season finale, if any of you remember that.

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