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Yesturday was a good day.

So I finally got to go pick up Radiant Historia from GameStop and thankfully though I am two days late I still got to get my preorder regardless. While there I spotted Hyperdimension Neptunia and I, safe to say was ecstatic that it was still there. I turned in some Mario Kart Ds' to pay for my purchases and over all the total game to 25$ thanks to the whole 50% extra on turning in games. Fricken sweet.. but that isn't all.
They guys were nice enough to give me print outs of the upcoming releases from now till 2012 (releases that were approved right now, list may change if more games are official announced) but I couldn't pass that up, along with a free walk-through of Final Fantasy The 4 her's of light. They were going to throw it out and I did plan to get that game eventually so I wasn't going to pass it up.
So before I leave I head to the next gamestop (we have two in our mall XP) and found out they still had that copy of  Strange Journey that I saw at Christmas, it was used but for sale for 12 bucks and still had game manual and soundtrack.
So.. it's easy for me to say in total, yesterday was a damn good day.


Second Playthrough of 999 *spoilers*


 I like you a little more now.
 I like you a little more now.

Alright, so I made it through a second time, the first time with ending three, now I have ending six. I'm soooo confused...
So I did get to know Seven and Lotus better, about her have two children and he being a cop and having met one of her kids, it was a nice little bonding experience, honestly I never liked Lotus much but now I've come to understand a little more about her and why she is tot he point and rather cut throat about it, she has kids to get back too and no one was going to stop her.
The only issue I had was the room before the torture room, and now I still feel a bit guilty for using a faq to figure it out..*feels dumb* but the torture chamber/room I kinda...guessed? The game showed me a bunch of buttons and I kinda guessed the code within a few tries before I used the water, even then I STILL didn't see the shark until I got really close tot he screen XD
Once I did see the bodies of Santa, Ace and Clover I pegged it immediately on June.. she was the only one left obviously, until I saw her all knifed int he back and dying.. I hated to ruin the touching moment but I was screaming at the screen "WHO DID THIS TO YOU TELL ME NOW! NO! I DON'T CARE ABOUT OTHER ST---..shes dead..crap" XD I knew I was fucked then, I didn't even need to see Lotus and Seven dead I KNEW i was fucked after that..
And I was.. I was killed.. stabbed in the back by a yellow sub.. I  had wished some part of me wanted to get int he damn thing and get away.. but.. JUNPEI WAITED TO LONG...ah well... now i'm left to wonder who the fuck killed me...
If everyone is dead (captain included) who the fuck was it? Was someone playing dead or did Zero get miffed and cut us down?
I admit I was less surprised by this ending than the first .. but I still felt sad.

First playthrough of 999 *spoilers*


 My Yandere Goddess of Death..
 My Yandere Goddess of Death..

So I actually got this game because of a duder's enthusiastic review of how good this game was, from the story to the characters it was pretty much a must have. So, When i went to gamestop I somehow found this game, no idea how along with Eternal Sonata, Ico (brand new), and Nier. I nearly got Tales of Vesperia but i missed it by someone putting up a case for a game they didn't have. XP Anyway..
It took me a few days but i finally sat down, with a brand spanken new DS XL sat in bed at about 10pm and started.
It took me about seven days off and on when i had time and I finally go through my first playthrough..
And I got a fucking bad end...
I really thought I was doing the right thing.. and then.. Clover.. oh dearest Clover why!! WHY!!
After Snake was killed i took it upon myself after some thought to keep her close, worried she'd be killed too, I knew already who did that to Snake, Santa and Seven,w hy I wasn't sure, but I knew it had to be them, only their numbers fit.. So when it all went down, i could only..stare in shock! I knew deep down I was doomed when she showed me June, Santa and seven's bracelets.. I knew, but somewhere, like in Junpei's narrative, i held out hope she'd take pity and save me even though she did what she did.. but when she cut Junpei/me down I could only  ...I couldn't do anything. I sat for at least ten minutes listening to the bad end theme...
My father even came over and asked what was wrong and that I liked shocked for some reason.. I explained and he rolled his eyes. XP
When I sit down and think about it.. this is the first time I've been floored in a game since *spoiler for persona 3* Shinjiro was killed. *end spoiler* I thought over every little detail I did and tried to figure out what the hell went wrong.. where did I go off the rails to get a bad end.. was it when I tried to hold a conspiriacy when one of the other's could be Zero? Did I pick a wrong choice (not the obvious one of letting her getting in contact with a god damn AXE for crying out loud.)
When i sit back and think about it, this is the only time in games that I've played that I've been struck where I stood in awe of what had just happen. 
Bravo 999
I stood (or sat) in awe of what you've done to me... and I have yet to unlock ALL your endings.. if this one takes me back, the rest may kill me.
Well done 999 you made me a believer, and I'll recommend you to anyone with a DS..

Happy Holidays~! Show off the Spirit!

Happy Holidays to you and yours giantbomb, I figured I'd do a blog as I stare at my Ferrero Rondroir (weird spelling) and hope everyone is going to be having a safe and happy Holiday with whatever you celibate, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or whatever else. But whatever you do Celebrate, show it off! Your tree, your candles, the presents, the food... whatever it is!

 The tree.
 The tree.

 And a Castro on some presents.
 And a Castro on some presents.

If you don't want too, that's fine, just wish other's happy holidays!

New Pet


No Caption Provided

I just got myself a Pacman frog for Christmas. Well, it's a exchange present from a friend. Curious on what the fuck is a Pacman frog and all you can come up in your head is WAKA WAKA WAKA pacman? Your not alone, the first time I heard of them, that is what I thought too, but over a year of watching video's on youtube of them demolishing prey and the chance encounter at PetSupplies I got it in my head "IT SHALL BE MINE" and it took about two months or so but I finally got the little bugger! 

 Moss sucks.
 Moss sucks.

  Looks like a white background O.O but it's the steel counter top of my kitchen table. XP But I'm debating on names, I may got with Monty.. i'm unsure, but I'll cool my breaks until I know for sure he's a healthy little bugger. (most pet places I'm leery about animals with) He's quite small, but don't let him fool you, he has teeth, two of them, tiny fangs ont he lower jaw, and this species of frog is known to eat animals as large as mice.

 Tiny beb.
 Tiny beb.

Right now he looks unimposing and cute and hopefully he'll (or she'll) will eat like a hog and want mice from me to bump up  the calcium in it's little bones. I'm smitten but cautious, I've had many animals from pet stores die within a week of ownership. (everything is fine.. then BAM dead..) I'm no novice, I do my research, but this is a new petstore i'm buying (getting his prezzy) from, so, here's hoping.

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He was really dry when I got him and Moss was stinky and gross, so I pitched it, got him in some nice moist Eco earth (he's currently in my toads old tank) and I'm adding some grass to provide more security or possibly just a plastic plant this weekend. But anyway.. that's it. XD

I'm impressed.

I have never seen much of Vocaloid, but I found out about 'Black rock shooter' and the possibility of it becoming an anime so I watched a little of the song, i liked it, didn't understand where they were going with it, but the design for Miku was pretty awesome. So when I loaded up Aim this morning I found a little article on Miku's live concert. While the guy sounded like a douche about it I checked it out.. and I must say I got goosebumps. Maybe it's the Otaku in me or whatever you call it, but Miku looks fucking alive and dancing on stage with her fans shaking their leek shaped glowsticks around her to the beat.
I gotta say the band around her also looks amazing and very talented, and I also admit I got swept up and caught myself trying to sing along to a song I can neither know the words too, or understand. Maybe it's safe to say that that pig tailed girl has another fan of her and her songs, and perhaps willing to purchase a few vocaloid items from overseas just to see what this is all about. But I have to say, after seeing that show on youtube, i gotta say, I'd love to see that in person.



 I wanna be the very best
like no one ever was
To catch them is my real test
To train them is my cause

I will travel across the land
searching far and wide
Each pokemon to understand
the power that's inside

Pokemon! its you and me
I know its my destiny,
Pokemon! Oh you're my best friend
in a world we must defend
Pokemon! a heart so true
Our courage will pull us through,

You teach me and I'll teach you,
Pokemon! gotta catch'em all

Every challenge along the way
with courage I will face.
I will battle every day
to claim my rightful place.
Come with me,
the time is right,
there's no better team.
Arm in arm we'll win the fight!
It's always been our dream!  


A little help: Puppy trouble

We've had our Chihuahua mix for about 3 1/2 months now and potty training has be hard to say the least. But she started catching on about a month ago, but now, we got another little snag. Recently she's started pissing on my bed.
Now... the first time I excused it. Shit happens..
But now this is the 5th time..
THE 5th!!!!
I'm pulling out my hair trying to figure out WHY she keeps doing this. Her's what I got off the net:

  • She's doing a dominance thing, she is disrespecting me to the furthest degree and showing her hatred and peeing in my bed. She places herself above me, and so she wants to show it by pissing where I sleep.
  • It could be UTI she has no control over her bladder and in her defense she pees whens he get's really excited.
  • She is just being  puppy and pissing.. cause.. she's a puppy. Though I know full well she is pretty much house trained before this shit started.
That's what I got.
Now... this does not happen all the time.
Around the 3rd time she did it it was 2 weeks after the 2nd where she lulled me into false comfort and I went to bed that night and what do you know... PISS.. BUT she HAD got in trouble that morning for chewing on the wall. My theory is that she does it out of spite. She get's mad at me for getting mad at her and pisses on my bed.
Stuff to cover:
  • Yes, she is spanked when she pee's in the house.
  • Yes, we rub her nose in it and are stern and are consistent.
  • Yes, she still needs to be let out late at night for her to make it though without peeing in the house.
  • No, she has never been crated, but I've once put her in a small cat carrier and she had a reaction that seemed like I was murdering her.
  • No, she is not fixed yet, but will be in a week.
  • No, she does not piss in my father's or my sister's rooms they way she does mine. She HAS pee'd in both bed's when we first got her, and it never happen sense.
  • Yes, She is a hyperactive dog, to the point where she harms young children without meaning too in an attempted to can attention.
  • Yes, she is allowed full access to the house right now, but I'm already planning for her to be barred via baby/ puppy gate until she is a year and I am confidant she is FULLY house trained. Yes I know this should have happen a LONG time ago.
  • She is a 6 month old puppy. Female.
any help, anyone else having these issues with new dog who found a way to fix the behavior? I'm looking for any advice here.

Oooh Boondocks

 You make me lul..
If any of you seen the recent episode, it had to be the most racist thing on the planet and I laughed so hard it hurt. The story of Jimmy Rebel I was unsure about coming in, cause I think like many viewers when that first song hit, my jaw hit the floor.
And I smiled..

Okay maybe everyone didn't smile but I did, I laughed my ass off. I was oblivious that a guy that Jimmy Rebel was based off of actually exists this day and age. So I guess for me that made it just funnier in that sense. Uncle Rukcus and his weird 'love' affair with Jimmy Rebel was great, even racists need someone to hang with, and I bet in this day and age it's hard to find someone who 'get's you when your a racist.
Unno, I thought it was funny, kinda cute in a weird way.
My dad walked out of the room, it was too much for him, my sister did too, I was alright, and I love that The Boondocks keep pushing the envelope but I'm sad to hear this may be the last season... le sigh.

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