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My first points

Well, at last I can say that I contribute to this site. And its great! I have to tell you, is not as easy as it's sounds. First of all you do have to put a little though and time to make something good, but hey... who wants crap published. I send 3 subs, and I got aprovved 2, which is great, but I have to say it would be graet to know why the otherone didn't work out, for the purpuse of not making the same mistakes and putting more work to the guys behind the bomb. Still I can imagine tha that would take even mor time to do, so... it is as it is. And it's great. 

Well for now, I feel great and I really hope I can continue to put some more work into the site. But I still have to work, so I won't be able to put the cuantity that I would like. Well at least I'll try to bring quality... 
And as for Jeff, Brad, Ryan and Vinnie... keep it up, its getting better and better, and congratulations.

Lets go a get some beers!!! 

Dolly and FF IV

I can’t believe this. I’ve been waiting for a few months (or more) the release of Final Fantasy IV for the DS, and to my disgrace I’m still waiting for a chance to buy it.

Ok, I have to be honest. I don’t live in the US, but I live very near, so, I usually go down there to buy my games. The reason: It’s cheaper.

And this time I had a really good plan. I was going on vacations for the weekend to SPI, and I would go and buy my DS and FFIV. I mean, this was my first FF game, and one of the first RPGs I played.  But since hurricane Dolly came in, I was F$%&. I know It’s really stupid to complain about it, since a lot of people got the worst part of the hurricane.  But still, I was really looking forward to the game. Anyway, nothing to do about it, gonna have to wait for my next trip to buy it, meanwhile… I wait.

PS. Hope things go better down SPI and surroundings. 


New Experience

Well, this IS my first blog entry ever... and first of all, since english is not my native language, sorry for the misspells.... 

Any way... today im starting on this whole new Giant Bomb experience and and it looks great, but I thinck it's gonna be dificult to keep up in the whole process of earning points and everything. 
Beeing married, with children and a fullltime job gives you so much time to do other stuff. Mostly I try to take that time to play games and do other stuff. Then I have to write in english, wich takes more time than just writing in spanish (wich is my native language). But in the end I hope to be able to write, discuss and upload images from time to time.
Well I really hope Giant Bomb is a huge success, and hopefully I can be (a litlle) part of that, and if there's someday a spanish version... well... belive me I be the first in...