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Star Wars fever. There is no cure.

I wake up one morning finding my body drift towards my DVD collection and my eyes floating to my copy of Episode III. Why? Exactly like every douches answer to their penis. It has a mind of it's own. The last time I remember watching a Star Wars movie was back in 2005. I watched this movie to it's entirety. I wondered to myself, where does the Universe go from here? At this point I've caught the fever. I went down to my local book store and browsed their book collection. Until I stumbled upon a kid that has a comic. A Star Wars comic. Do they really go this far? Movies, TV shows, books, comics, and video games. At this point I've seen them all. So to intrigue my curiosity, I bought a few. Knights of the Old Republic.
Zayne Carrick is the protagonist in this story. Or is he the antagonist? Either way he is a main character. He's a Padawan or a student if no one has heard of Star Wars before. Not just any student though, a special one. He's not the kind of special you see in the movies or books on the other hand. He's special as in clumsy. They use that word clumsy a lot for Zayne. Though the way he keeps getting away from the order and the republic. I would think he's more of a "smart" clumsy. At the end of one of the comics, he swears revenge on his master. He has that serious look, like he will go into training, get to know the force, and kill him. Apparently not. He goes back into his "smart" clumsy scheme again. Then again, I'm only so many comics in. Maybe I won't be disappointed. Hopefully these writers won't take my feelings and squeeze them into a grinder and make "blue milk" for Luke Skywalker to drink with his Aunt and Uncle.