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Just came back from target and best buy. I like going to those 2 places to looks for games because sometimes you can find great bargen games. i found Phoenix Whight: ace attorney  for $10, Ninja Gaiden for the DS. $25, and Spectrodes for $19. i was mainly looking for wires for my PS2 and my Wii. I came out empty handed since i only have $30, and I am returning to college after a 3 year "break". once i do have some extra cash I may get a bargen game or animal crossing wild word.

Currently playing. Civ. Rev
Current GB activity; Finally satisfied with the Dark cloud page. Making pages for old Game boy games.



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User Lists: 4

Edited By Chaos

Just came back from target and best buy. I like going to those 2 places to looks for games because sometimes you can find great bargen games. i found Phoenix Whight: ace attorney  for $10, Ninja Gaiden for the DS. $25, and Spectrodes for $19. i was mainly looking for wires for my PS2 and my Wii. I came out empty handed since i only have $30, and I am returning to college after a 3 year "break". once i do have some extra cash I may get a bargen game or animal crossing wild word.

Currently playing. Civ. Rev
Current GB activity; Finally satisfied with the Dark cloud page. Making pages for old Game boy games.