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Vito's Game Giveaway #25-Bonus Airplane Edition!

Edit: Contest closed! Feel free to participate in Vito's Game Giveaway #24, which runs until Saturday, July 2nd.

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Sup, duders! So I'm currently thousands of feet in the air on my way back to North Carolina after visiting the Whiskey Media office to watch the Happy Hour in person, and upon discovery that this will be my first* (see below) flight with wireless Internet, have decided to give away $20 worth of Microsoft Points (U.S. only. Does not work on Canadian accounts), PSN monies (U.S. accounts only), or Steam monies (everyone)! In regards to Steam, the winner will choose their item(s) and I'll gift it to them. The winner of this contest will choose which of the three prizes they want when I PM them.

Anyone who watched the Whiskey Media Happy Hour live and in person yesterday (as in, we met) will have their entry counted twice for this contest. If you don't want to post that you were there, you can PM me. Please don't try and trick me!

You have until the plane lands to enter. Seeing as I'm flying to the opposite side of the country, you have a few hours.

To be eligible, tell me the nicest flying experience you've ever had, whether anything special happened or not. Haven't flown? Just say so and you will still be eligible.

Keep in mind that Vito's Game Giveaway #24 is currently running until Saturday, July 2nd. You may enter both contests!

I'm a bit wary about posting on a site called Giant Bomb while on an airplane, but... video games!

On a side note, everyone I met at Whiskey Media was super cool and nice. I also want to give special thanks to Ethan for being so helpful.

Everything above is all you need to enter. The rest of this post is pure self-indulgence.

Though, there is a way to obtain five entries into Vito's Game Giveaway #26 below. See the first paragraph under the dotted line.


*It's actually my second time trying to host this contest. I tried to do this on my way to San Francisco, but... things didn't work out. The following is what I wrote on paper on my way there. I'm posting this so I don't feel like I wasted a bunch of time, and maybe it'll be entertaining? Also, there will be a question at the end of the post. The first person to answer it correctly will get five total entries into Vito's Game Giveaway #26, as opposed to the usual one entry.

"Sup, duders! So I'm currently thousands of feet in the air on my way to San Francisco for the Whiskey Media Happy Hour tomorrow, and--upon discovery that this will be my first flight with wireless Internet--have decided to give away $10 worth of Microsoft Points, PSN monies, or Steam monies (winner's choice!). In regards to Steam, the winner will choose their item(s) and I will gift it to them. You have until the plane lands to enter. Seeing as I'm flying from the opposite side of the country, you have a few hours. To enter, tell me the nicest flying experience you've ever had, whether anything special happened or not. Haven't flown? Just say so and you will still be eligible.
Keep in mind that Vito's Game Giveaway #24 is currently running until Saturday. You may enter both contests!
Also, I'm a bit wary about posting on a site called Giant Bomb while on a plane, but... video games!
Well, that didn't work out! After writing all of this on a piece of paper so I could easily type it up, I discovered that the laptop was dead. I then went on my 3DS and paid the wireless fee ($9!), only to remember that I just recently started using KeePass, and that I don't know any of my passwords. All of that information was on the USB stick I brought with me, which I can't use at the moment. All of this occurred a few minutes ago. What's probably going to happen now is that I will copy this over to a Notepad document, make sure that my laptop is actually charged, and host the contest on my way back to North Carolina. I MUST GIVE SOMETHING AWAY WHILE FLYING."
Yep, that's totally what's happening. Or I'm assuming so, since I'm still actually writing this on a piece of paper on my way to San Francisco. I'm also assuming Vito's Game Giveaway #24 will be running alongside this, which you can check out here. Wait, how do you link something on a piece of paper again? Future Vito: No worries, brah--I got you covered. Wait, is that really future Vito, or is it present Vito since I'm still writing this on the way to San Francisco? Or is it past Vito since if I'm typing this it must be the future which is my future present? Ahhhhhhh
Anyway, to recap, tell me the nicest flying experience you've had to enter (or just say you haven't flown if you haven't).
I hope Past Paper Vito and Future Computer Vito interacting with each other wasn't too confusing.
Oh, and I wish the people I'm sitting between would stop being nosy and staring at my paper (we're on page three, by the way).
OK, we're done. Unless Future Vito chooses to add something.
Future Vito: Nope!
Psyche, that was still what will be known to us as Past Vito. He really needs to learn when to stop writing.

OK, you have to the the first person to answer both of these questions correctly to gain five entries into Vito's Game Giveaway #26: How much was the prize money increased by, and how many 'h's were in the "Ah" bit?

Edit: FancySoapsMan won the five entries thingy. No need to answer anymore (though you can if you want, of course. Cheaters).