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Vito's Game Giveaway Announcement: Bastion Contest!

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Hello! I know many of you are looking forward to purchasing Bastion this coming Wednesday, so I figured making an announcement thread would be better instead of surprising everyone with the contest. On July 20th, from 9 AM Eastern Time to 9 PM Eastern Time (go here to figure out when that is for you), I will be hosting a special Game Giveaway for one copy of Bastion. The reason the contest only lasts 12 hours is because, well, who wants to wait a week, right? You can either enter from the blog post or the thread that will be posted in the General Discussion forum. As usual, all you'll have to do is answer a simple question to enter. The winner will be chosen randomly using Random Line Picker.
As of now, the contest will be for U.S. Xbox Live people only (not in my control). If this changes, I will let everyone know in the thread. 
See you then!