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Verily I say yea, unto the Good Lord Chupster was delivered DLC.

The High and Mighty Chupster, in his Infinite Wisdom and Glory, did come down from upon high this past year, having sought long and hard and finally discovering an Irreplaceable Sale of Much Magnitude at yonder Target, during which he purchased yea $120 worth of Microsoft Points for a mere $90.

And yea, those points were all spent, upon Bionic Commando, Rock Band/RB2 tracks, SoulCalibur IV bits and pieces (of low value), and the Mass Effect Bring Down the Sky DLC once it became cheaper.

And lo, upon the PS3, the Godlike and Beneficent Chupster did purchase Pain and all of its DLC, totalling somewhere in the vicinity of $33 and some change, and it was good, for bouncing the Hasselhoff of David off of Explosives of Extreme Ragdollification and Cinder Blocks of Infinite Ooch is one of the most holy endeavors that one may aspire to.

And the Chupster did strike low his Wii, denouncing it as a Waste of Much Cash, having almost infinitely many games upon it, none of which were worthy of the Chupster, and it was bad.  And the Chupster cried, and there was much gnashing of teeth, and the Lady Chupster did beat her breast and keen to the heavens, and the offspring and heir apparent to the mighty Lord Chupster did jump around like the five-year-old that he is and play the Kung Fu Panda with such regularity that the mere mention of Jack Black is punishable in the House of the Good Lord Chupa by death, stabbing, stabbing to death, and death by stabbing.  None DLC shall ever pass the internetian gates of the House of the Good Lord Chupa for the Nintendo Wii, which would be strung up, drawn and quartered, if the Lord Chupa had not invested so much money in it.