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What's up guys, long time no speak. I've been really fucking busy with my life lately, so I apologize for my inactivity. If you just happened to stumble onto this account, you're probably thinking, "Wait, according to your history, you've never been on this site. So true. However, this is just a carry over blog (the first of many to come, hopefully) from my other profile on that other site. You know, the one with the word "game" and the word "spot" in it. I went by the username -Tish- on that website, and prior to -Tish- I was mariomaniac92 (arguably my glory days of the site).

To be completely and utterly honest, I had no life whatsoever once I embarked upon my GameSpot profile, looking for any chance to get another emblem, writing as many reviews as possible, and monitering my level status. I wouldn't say I lost touch with the outside world, but my free time was mostly taken up by the computer. Sad, I know. A little under a year ago, however, there was a breaking point. It got to the point where GameSpot just wasn't fun anymore; another dying fad. I still visited the site regularly, but my activity dwindled. I began to lose touch with many of the friends I made, as many eventually took the proper path and left the site as well (presumably they saved themselves as well). The main reason I still do this blogging thing is for the friends. You guys are like my second family, as Denis (aka NeoJedi) would put it.

But I didn't really just "find my life", so to speak. I really lost interest in games. What the fuck, right? Nah, it's just a phase everyone goes through. But this one was different; this one is still on-going. I can't bring myself to delve into a new adventure. Quite frankly, I don't have the patience. Not yet, anyway. Believe me, I would love to crack open EndWar, play some Left 4 Dead online, try out Gears 2, and see how scary Dead Space really is, but my priorities come first. I'm only sixteen, but I'm already on a career path. I'm almost $3000 in debt (vehicle, insurance, etc - no biggie, I'll cover it in the coming months).

So yeah, that's about it. Hopefully some of you accept me into this little circle. I want to see how cool this place really is. And if you're wondering about my username... It's a little inside thing. It's more or less a misheard lyric of Slayer's Raining Blood (don't like the band, by the way).

Well, here's to a new start.