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Sheep Shit!

Reviews, ok, I got some. NES, the majority of these games are classic as F*$&# But, the technology is so primitive it's like playing a gameboy with a a controller? OH MY GOD? So many saw their first iterations on this console, living on it like so many lichens, the classics, they just wont die will they? How many more classics can we expect to see, how many new and genuine titles that stimulate the imagination like the old greats. perhaps in this day and age with our karaoke culture it's a bit too much to ask for a new original title, UNLEASH system shock, super mario, blood, duke nukem, mortal kombat, arkanoid, diablo, half-life, Legendary titles? Perhaps, but what drove them? What was it? the spark of imagination? The games themselves fulfilling the dreams of those who played them, what is this gaming quality that elude everything we seek? Perhaps it's the personality of the creators themselves? (Games being a creation of man or the culmination of human experience and art work in a high expression? Are they not? This is something that needs to be kept check because these days life is too easy so many games may have become, cheap or perhaps particular in their expression? I don't know, blog entery extremetus explodious parnassum.