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#1  Edited By CondorCalabasas

@Landon said:

@CondorCalabasas said:

@Landon said:

Watch out guys, we got a badass over here.

My dad could beat up your dad.

My dad is dead, you sick freak.

Fuck me, I'am so sorry, I take it back, please forgive me whilst I give you this free imaginary cookie (I've been told imaginary cookies make things better on the internet, and I'm a decent baker, so you can expect its tasty).

Its chocolate chip ps, none of that double chocolate chip, fuck that shit.

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#2  Edited By CondorCalabasas

@Landon said:

Watch out guys, we got a badass over here.

My dad could beat up your dad.

And based on my post count restrictions (5 per day) and my imminent perm ban, please come up with better replies than that guy, thank you.

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#3  Edited By CondorCalabasas

I lul'd

Edit: btw, I've been I.P. banned from every major gaming website on the internet. (You aren't surprised, I know)

1up, Gamespot, IGN, Gametrailers,, the list goes on

My care-o-meter is in the red everyone

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#4  Edited By CondorCalabasas


Disagreeing or providing counterpoints to views you believe are flawed or incorrect is perfectly fine (although perhaps unnecessary in a thread that went seven months without a single reply), but insults towards other users such as the following are not acceptable on Giant Bomb:

Must be nice to have a boyfriend to defend on this site, gives you something to do while you aren't taking it up the ass right?
Also, you may want to make a new account, I'm going to have a tough time getting offended by two guys, who based on their post counts, spend far too much time on the computer.
(Again, based on some sort of fact, or reality. See how stupid you both look now?)

Attempting to flame or troll users based on their post count and/or membership status is also unacceptable.

Per the forum rules:

  • NO discrimination or victimization directed at users: Racism, homophobia, sexism, or any hateful personal attacks against another user.
  • NO flaming, trolling, disruptive activity or posts which encourage such behavior: Derailing a topic, posting flame bait or use of profanity in blog/thread titles. Threads with profanity in the title are subject to deletion.

This is just a warning, and no further action will be taken for now. However, future violations may lead to the temporary or permanent suspension of your ability to participate on the site.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or another moderator. Thank you for your understanding.


My reply:

I don't give a fuck, please feel free to ban me, and go fuck yourself.

If you can't take control of your community, and can't keep them in line, frankly you should expect them to be treated, apparently how they would like to be treated.

If you don't ban me, I'll only be here until May 9th at the maximum, so hopefully, you'll understand how little I give a fuck, thanks, have a good day, and enjoy fucking yourself, cheers.

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#5  Edited By CondorCalabasas

C. Max Payne 1 is in my top ten of my favourite games.

The story was beautifully paced, had just the right amount of twists and turns, a couple laughs, and perfectly voice acted.

The gameplay rewarded you for being accurate, thinking quickly, and being strategic.

And punished you for screwing up any of the above.

I absolutely hated Max Payne 2, the enemies were boring to play against (really cleaners?, c'mon), the story was extremely predictable, and when it wasn't, it was stupid, the rag doll physics were far worse than the death animations in MP1, your guns didn't feel as powerful, the new weapons were boring, there was no thrill watching the plot or characters, it wasn't noir in any way shape or form, and most of all wasn't based on norse mythology, it basically had one simple plot line and that was it, when MP1 had several strings that all came together in the end

I've stated it once in another thread, but my biggest concern about MP3 is if I'am forced to use golden guns after I've unlocked them (but someone who's never played the game assured me I'd be able to turn it on or off)

And if theres nothing similar to the norse mythology references in MP1, I really enjoyed that.

Also it might be nice to have another drug trip, maybe without the blood line puzzle this time, but every other part of that shit was awesome.

Other than that, it looks like they fixed everything from MP2, so I'am very much looking forward to MP3

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#6  Edited By CondorCalabasas

@zyn: @zyn said:

@CondorCalabasas said:


For example, in the video he talks about the "intelligent AI" and how enemies will provide cover fire and flank you and flush you out with grenades. So what? Most third person shooters do that as is.

Which ones?

I don't very often play third person shooters, but games in general have pretty dumb AI for the most part.

I'm trying to think of games that I've played (not just third person shooters) that actually have intelligent AI.

Ninja Gaiden 1? Maybe.

Didn't F.E.A.R. 1 have intelligent A.I.?

Yep, thats right, I always completely forget about that game, the AI in that was pretty good.

As for the video. I absolutely loved the club scene, every word that came out of his mouth was so Max Payne.

And that idiot trying to shoot the shit with Max was hilarious.

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#7  Edited By CondorCalabasas


For example, in the video he talks about the "intelligent AI" and how enemies will provide cover fire and flank you and flush you out with grenades. So what? Most third person shooters do that as is.

Which ones?

I don't very often play third person shooters, but games in general have pretty dumb AI for the most part.

I'm trying to think of games that I've played (not just third person shooters) that actually have intelligent AI.

Ninja Gaiden 1? Maybe.

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#8  Edited By CondorCalabasas

@AhmadMetallic said:

@CondorCalabasas said:

@AhmadMetallic said:

I wish I had as much free time as you do.

I wish I didn't have all this free time dude, it made sure to severely affect my eyes.

Get a job? Or another one?

Work with computers if you like them so much.

"Try me, you might get into an interesting discussion"

Are you actually trying to convince me to have a conversation with you?

There are so many things wrong with that.

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#9  Edited By CondorCalabasas

@AhmadMetallic said:

'Looks at post count, notices paid website subscription'

You know what? I'll leave you alone, its not like anything coming from you is going to offend anyone right?

I wish I had as much free time as you do.

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#10  Edited By CondorCalabasas

@sear said:

1. "This game is better because Rockstar sold more copies?" Where did I say that.

Interesting how you attempt to make an argument that success is based on number of copies sold, when I've never made an argument countering, or agreeing with that. This discussing is going to be very tricky if you can't read.

2. Do you need to play it to understand the tone? If that was true, every noir would be a parody of itself. That again, was a pretty stupid thing to say.

3. Well I guess you haven't watched any videos then. Because I've seen how the graphic novel sessions look.


5. Yea, Max Payne 1. You know? Why were all here? Thats the third reply of yours that suggest you aren't quite competent enough for me to reply after this.

6.You know it isn't primarily developed for PC how? Thats the fourth.

7. "Seriously, you're stooping to Metacritic ratings as a measure of quality?" Who said I was was? Thats response number five. I didn't say it was a measure of quality. I was saying if it was such a failure clearly the majority of the industry would agree with you. Should we all just assume you are right because its your opinion? Your logic is flawed.

8. "What next, are you going to start linking to VGChartz pages too?" Don't even know what that is, but great diss, I'm super hurt now. (Thats number six)

9. "I'm not really sure how Grand Theft Auto IV is "revolutionary." I'm not really sure either, but hey thats what almost every single reviewer wrote down in their reviews when it came out. Unlike you, I don't use my own opinion as a means of determining right or wrong.

9. If thats the best innovation you can think of, you clearly did not play it, so the discussion is irrelevant. I simply can't tolerate people playing dumb (though based on six of your posts so far, you aren't playing).

10. I guess you can't read, I said: "Name one open world game that has done better in any other way shape or form." Which every single game you just mentioned hasn't, nor did you make a logical argument how. (I'm going to call that number seven, since you didn't even read)

11. "What is this nebulous measure of quality we're supposed to be using here anyway, other than just "it scored higher"?" Apparently you believe your opinion is substantial enough? I haven't voiced mine yet, but if thats how we are determined who is correct here, I'll consider it.

12. "Why the hell am I still having a conversation with someone who thinks Metacritic scores are a good measure of a game's integrity?"

Why do I reply to someone who is clearly stupid? Why do I reply to someone who can't even read the post he is replying to? Why am I replying to someone who thinks his opinion outweighs the opinion of thousands? Why do I reply to someone who is questioning their response itself?

Finally, thats definitely number eight, questioning why you are responding to me. But since you asked me personally, its because you are an idiot. You didn't realize before you posted that you had no argument, yet because of the fact that your ego is massive, you had to swoop down to protect it, without thinking first. That to me personally, is the definition of an idiot.

Because I think kids like you are hilarious, and clearly need a little bit of education. I get to teach and have a good laugh at the same time.

Now you go.

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