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DEVELOPER DIARY: Dupe Wiki Page Deletes Coming....

Hey dudes - this post is mostly geared towards our wiki mods, but should be a heads up for anyone who comes across duplicate wiki content on the site.

Andy and I just finished adding wiki delete functionality to our local development versions of the site - so wiki mods (and staff) now have the functionality to delete pages via wikid (our wiki management system).

Points of note:
  • Users will not have points deducted from their wiki totals because a duplicate page has been deleted.
  • Mods, if you find it necessary to move images, forum topics, etc. to another object (like from the 'dupe' paged to the 'real' page) - go ahead and do so BEFORE you delete the page from the site - because once you do that, you will not be able to get to any sub-pages of the deleted content.
  • Mods, these deletes DO NOT go through moderation. They take place right away - so please be careful with what you are deleting.
  • As a safeguard, we will only provide the Delete Object button on pages where the 'Importance' of the object is over a certain threshold. If you need to delete content that does not give you the Delete Object button, contact a staff member and provide the URL of the page you need deleted.

So the code is working, and we're writing some tests for it right now - if all goes well, we will probably deploy this on Monday.