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DEVELOPER DIARY: Friends -> Following

Hey duders. 
We just deployed some new code earlier this afternoon. I've blogged about the changes before. Here are the exact changes: 

  • Friends: The traditional 'friends' code is gone - please let me know if you see it referenced on the site anywhere.
  • Follow: In place of this is a more Twitter-like model where you 'follow' people (and they may 're-follow' you back). This should make it easier to track activity, blogs and status updates of the people (and soon, games, objects, etc.) you are interested in. All of your old friend data has been migrated over during the downtime today.
  • Activity Update: Activity was not scaling properly in its old implementation. With so many users generating so much activity, we had to ultimately take down the 'friends activity' feed to keep the site afloat. We have made pretty big changes and have re-implemented new activity logic that should enable us to bring you your 'followed users' activity in a feed. This is currently being tested w/ Staff and Mods and once we determine that it is stable, we'll be rolling it out to everyone :) We're really excited about this and hope you will be too.
Let us know if you find any bugs and look forward to some more new features over the next few weeks -- really excited about the future of GiantBomb. 