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disappointed games this generation

I'm going to work with the mindset of past 6 years, or at least the timeline Giant Bomb's been around. The worst thing about talking about this Gen is really varying quality in tech, the ipad is basically a dreamcast, the DS is still on the edge of being considered this era. It's a mess.

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  • Man, I put in a good 15 hours into this game and tried to really just sample everything before I could honestly make an opinion on it. The best thing I could do was stand by a hot dog vendor and just knock food out of people's hands or slowly drive the car up to people and watch them in FPS mode react. And even that isn't rewarding enough for the amount of money this game cost me.

    Dicking around was unrewarding, but even still being just DRAGGED by the narrative and linear gameplay was just as unrewarding also.

    Nothing about it was just something I want to admit playing, there came a point I felt embarrassed to even talk about this game.

  • I wanted to like this, but something about the over the top ski jump and the dick cheney quotes just really lost that momentium to actually continue playing this game. The honesty why I enjoyed Modern Warfare 1 was it helped me cope with the cynicism of reading current political news with actual somewhat representative of what was going in the headlines. Here's a drone, here's what a drone looks like, these are the areas you keep reading about day in day out. But even if it's trying to be over the top, you need to have some fun with it, I still love Resident Evil or Devil May Cry series even if it's immature like a 12 year boy's idea of a conspiracy theory.

  • really wanted to love this game, idea of just clay coming to life sounded a appealing. Still it wasn't worth going back to, and even still the whole space parts dominates the later portion of the game and it's really not as interesting as maybe going down to the world level and just dicking around as a small critter.

    I still like the ideas of explaining space in such an easy way for anyone to understand, even if it's basically intelligent design philosophy instead of actual evolution.

  • at one point I'd consider this series to be PERFECTION. I would go "Man why can't every game adopt gameplay or character models up to par with this." That was 1999, but now it's just a mess. Early on in the early games they had at least design of fighting styles people could rationally understand, the whip sword is something similar to what monks used with actually whips tethered surikins and knives at the tip. I know that sounds crazy but you could research some of this stuff and find something it could be related with, but right around the giant hulahoop/chakara design thing was where it got silly.

    Horrible character designs that leave me feeling I'm too old to be enjoying anime was where I last left the series at.

  • Bought a PS3 for this game, and as much as I tried to force myself to love it. I still enjoy it's enthusiasm more then I enjoy actually playing it. It's a world I can relate with because I'm a lot like the characters in the game and love metal more then life itself.

  • not only the promise of next gen, but more the Devil May Cry or God of War presentation of a Star Wars universe. But something just died inside of me playing as Darth Vader and Killing off Wookies. I don't want to kill a wookie, even if I'm vader and trying to be a bad ass. They are awesome, sit next to han solo on the Millinum Falcon. Still horrible experence and just really bloated mess of high production game.

  • what's interesting is really how BROAD Appeal the guitar hero series have, so I'd run into just a lot of people with this game and just raving out it. Something about it's just horrendous graphics and BRUTAL difficulty I wanted to just get away from this game as quickly as possible.

  • the hype was pretty much overwhelming. There was a point where I rationalized "I won't be that horrible fanboy who will complain afterwards. Still for 60 bucks, I tried to squeeze out some joy out of it, and in the end being like enjoying a funeral.

  • I love monolith games and I love batman, how could this go wrong. Sadly it did, such a horrible grind of trying to get more xp with a somewhat unrewarding shooting mechanics and characters that weren't just as appealing as my own imagination. The tutorial, the ending cinematics and the bruce timm production ads really understood what they wanted then this actual game ended up being. At least I got it on cheap but still free to play now is painful none the less.

  • I adore part 1, but somehow I found 2 to be a lot more difficult and underwhelming compared to just running back to the original and falling in love with it.