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Little Big Planet Galaxy redesign

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I’ve converted my site, to a blog format which will be much easier to keep updated with the latest and greatest news surrounding Little Big Planet.  If you don't remember or never heard of the site it's understandable.  It was created way back in August of '08.  About 4 months ago, because of the lack of member activity and time that I was able to commit to updates, the site all but died.  Now with this new blog format, I can update the site from almost anywhere, more quickly and efficiently as well.  I also plan on keeping up with news about other PS3 exclusive titles coming our way, hence the little byline at the top of the site that eludes to this 

So if you haven't seen it yet, check it out!  The conversion is pretty much complete but I'm still working on smaller organizational details.  Also trying to get all the previous content that was there before in place.  Keep checking back often for some great content coming to these pages in the coming months and happy gadding to all you Little Big Planet freaks out there!