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dagas's comments

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Edited By dagas
@freedom4556 said:

@dagas: I always hated that logic. It's Catch-22. I'm unqualified to say something's bad because I played it too much, but if I'd hardly played it at all then I'd still be unqualified to say it's bad, because I'd barely played it.

Who then is qualified to say a slapdash game is bad? People who play enough but not too much? Where's the logic in that? Who draws those lines?

exactly, if his save showed 20 hours then people would be complaining HOW CAN YOU SAY IT WAS BAD YOU DIDNT EVEN DO SUCH AND SUCH OR BLAH BLAH ON THIS PLANET

But having done literally tons of the content and taken the time to mull it over, now he can't say anything too critical cuz obviously he's trying to be cool if does so.

All I know is I don't play a game for 76 hours if it is terrible. Brad can hate the game if he wants but I keep feeling that a 2/5 is crazy and I've not had the bad experience he has. I really don't understand why the game gets so much hate other than the console version having bad facial animations. How can Dragon Age Inquisition get 4/5 and ME is basically the same formula but improved and it gets 2? And don't say that standards are higher because it is not like DAI is from the 90's.

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Edited By dagas

I've not had the problems Brad has had with MEA. On PC it has been running fine apart from a bug where I got stuck and it crashed to desktop during multiplayer. I had a lot more problems with Dragon Age Inquisition. I rather play MEA than the supposedly great Zelda game. I don't understand what is so great about it but then I've not liked Zelda since the SNES. I keep saying that MEA is basically a better version of Dragon Age Inquisition and people didn't hate on that game nearly as much. It is not Witcher 3 or Mass Effect 2 but it is still a great game that deserves a solid 4/5.

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Brad seems like those steam reviews saying the game is shit and then you see they played it for 1000 hours. How can it be bad if they play so much?

Brads save showed 76 hours of play. That is more than ME 1 and ME3 combined. More than I spent on Dragon Age Inquisition and around as much as I spent on Witcher 3. You cannot play a game for 76 hours and claim it is shit. That is like eating a dozen big macs and then claim you hate big macs.

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Bad game

No it is not. The score is complete and utter BS! I've been a huge fan of the series since ME1 heck even before that I read the book and loved it and I don't get the hate at all. Sure it has some flaws and it is not as good as say ME2 but it is still a good game that deserves a 4/5 no question about it.

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Edited By dagas

WTF!!!!!! 2/5 stars! I was expecting at least 3 or maybe 4. I've been playing for 15 hours so far and I like it. I've not had much problem with animations or the characters. I am playing on PC with Ultra graphics and a costum character and it looks great.

I don't usually get upset from review scores but this is just crazy. I feel like they just hated on every little thing in the game from the start. Most "problems" the game have are the same ones as in previous ME games or in Dragon Age Inquisition.

How the hell can this get 2 stars and Inquisition got 4 when this is basically an improved version of the Inqusistion formula?!?!?!?!?!?

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It seems like because the game has some issues people are critizing everything about it. Things that previous Mass Effect or Dragon Age games did but no one critized then. Like the helmet dissapearing in cut scenes that is nothing new.

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Sounds to me like Jeff complains because he is cheesing it with the OP AI sync shot and then complaining the game is bad because it is too easy and boring. But he doesn't want to stop cheesing.

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I'm a huge Mass Effect fan and I really hope this will be good but why does the animations and characters look worse than in the last gen games? It looks like PS2 level faces and animations. It just doesn't make any sense. Is it thanks to the change from Unreal to Frostbite? I really hope the rest of the game makes up for it because ME is my favorite video game franchise.

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Edited By dagas

Listening to them talking about tax it always amazes me how Americans bitch about tax when they pay so little of it. We pay 30-50% income tax depending on your wage and 25% sales tax. In the US it is what 7%?

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Yakuza 5 has a segment where you fight bears and other animals in the wilderness of Hokkaido.