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may 21st, 2009

while i'm procrasting* a book report and an essay that are, together, worth about 40% of my final grade, i figure i should come blog about stuff.

i guess i've been away from this website for a pretty long amount of time. i've read all blog entries on my tracked list, give or take a few, for the last month or two, but i don't really comment anymore, so i apologize for that. i realize my absence from your comments section is rather saddening, but i'm sure you'll get over it.

in other news, i guess i should rephrase my last blog entry. at the time, i was only able to formulate a couple of sentences written in allcaps, such was the depth of my excitement. yet over the last month, i've been scouring numerous websites for news of the upcoming Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver games, and i have been very pleased with my findings so far. the second generation of Pokemon fills me with a sense of nostalgia that probably surpasses even my love for the original generation, mainly because Gold and Silver were the games that truly fuelled my infatuation with Pokemon. at the time of Red and Blue's release, i was probably a little too young to fully comprehend the awesomeness of that game, and it wasn't until a couple of years later that i truly started playing the games. i can't wait to relive those memories (whitney and that fucking miltank), especially considering the internal batteries on my original Gold/Silver games have long since malfunctioned (which is a common occurrence, the internal batteries were never intended to last very long anyway)
i really do think that Heart Gold/Soul Silver have the potential to be the strongest offerings in the Pokemon franchise yet - a rounded offering of single-player and multi-player features with the sharpest graphics yet seen in the series and, possibly, the best music. that's if they remix the original soundtrack thoroughly. fuck i'm so psyched for this game, more than pretty much anything else announced in the last, oooooh, forever. except maybe Guild Wars 2.

which brings me to my next point, which is; Guild Wars destroyed my life, haha. when i get immersed in that game, i just end up playing for about 8 hours straight and think about nothing but that game for the following couple of days. and then when school resumes, i just forget about Guild Wars' existence and end up surfing the internet till 2am every night and getting four hours of sleep and going to school like some sort of bizarre zombie student. thing is, when school ends in 2 week's time i won't have much to distract me from dedicating my futile existence to Guild Wars... except maybe this one college class i'm taking, and of course daily mileage for cross country. yup, it's gonna be a sad life, but that game is so fucking fun and skype chats with tom and andy are always a fucking blast.** i swear by the time we finish all four campaigns i'll have enough lulzy in-game moments to fill an entire book and it'll probably be like my favorite game ever just because of that. Guild Wars 2 is going to be all-consumingly brilliant, if what they've announced so far translates well into the in-game experience, but thats another story

i don't have much to say outside of that, to be honest. i've lost touch with the gaming world. what's been released lately? what are you playing right now? feel free to let me know in the comments, i guess, because i'm actually sorta curious. the last major game i remember being released is like... some new Call of Duty or something, if thats even out yet.*** World at War? fucking Pokemon and Guild Wars have severed all contact with such new shiny technological marvels. oh, and yeah, i still haven't finished FFVIII. i'll do it later, just like this god damn essay i'm supposed to be writing. fuck my life. i'm not even going to bother decking out this blog with awesome pictures to detract from my self-indulgent wall of prose, so deal w/ it. you read all that, hopefully. good job. your attention span is acceptable.

i'm out, laterrrr

* hahah, i originally posted this blog post and then found this spelling error as soon as i clicked "Post". i'm gonna leave it there just for comedy value, it's a rather nice typo. i really need to get some sleep, it just turned 12 AM and i still have at least 3 hours of work to do, fml

** HEY YO JASON, "wait was that andy or another fucking ranger that looks exactly like him", leaving runs before paying, running to hogwarts for 10k, gotta kill that warthog, i'll fuck your shit up, sgt steve, excuse me im not interested in having my bong toked, that fucking fellblade, repeat after me FUCK YEAH etc. fun shit

*** lol fail



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while i'm procrasting* a book report and an essay that are, together, worth about 40% of my final grade, i figure i should come blog about stuff.

i guess i've been away from this website for a pretty long amount of time. i've read all blog entries on my tracked list, give or take a few, for the last month or two, but i don't really comment anymore, so i apologize for that. i realize my absence from your comments section is rather saddening, but i'm sure you'll get over it.

in other news, i guess i should rephrase my last blog entry. at the time, i was only able to formulate a couple of sentences written in allcaps, such was the depth of my excitement. yet over the last month, i've been scouring numerous websites for news of the upcoming Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver games, and i have been very pleased with my findings so far. the second generation of Pokemon fills me with a sense of nostalgia that probably surpasses even my love for the original generation, mainly because Gold and Silver were the games that truly fuelled my infatuation with Pokemon. at the time of Red and Blue's release, i was probably a little too young to fully comprehend the awesomeness of that game, and it wasn't until a couple of years later that i truly started playing the games. i can't wait to relive those memories (whitney and that fucking miltank), especially considering the internal batteries on my original Gold/Silver games have long since malfunctioned (which is a common occurrence, the internal batteries were never intended to last very long anyway)
i really do think that Heart Gold/Soul Silver have the potential to be the strongest offerings in the Pokemon franchise yet - a rounded offering of single-player and multi-player features with the sharpest graphics yet seen in the series and, possibly, the best music. that's if they remix the original soundtrack thoroughly. fuck i'm so psyched for this game, more than pretty much anything else announced in the last, oooooh, forever. except maybe Guild Wars 2.

which brings me to my next point, which is; Guild Wars destroyed my life, haha. when i get immersed in that game, i just end up playing for about 8 hours straight and think about nothing but that game for the following couple of days. and then when school resumes, i just forget about Guild Wars' existence and end up surfing the internet till 2am every night and getting four hours of sleep and going to school like some sort of bizarre zombie student. thing is, when school ends in 2 week's time i won't have much to distract me from dedicating my futile existence to Guild Wars... except maybe this one college class i'm taking, and of course daily mileage for cross country. yup, it's gonna be a sad life, but that game is so fucking fun and skype chats with tom and andy are always a fucking blast.** i swear by the time we finish all four campaigns i'll have enough lulzy in-game moments to fill an entire book and it'll probably be like my favorite game ever just because of that. Guild Wars 2 is going to be all-consumingly brilliant, if what they've announced so far translates well into the in-game experience, but thats another story

i don't have much to say outside of that, to be honest. i've lost touch with the gaming world. what's been released lately? what are you playing right now? feel free to let me know in the comments, i guess, because i'm actually sorta curious. the last major game i remember being released is like... some new Call of Duty or something, if thats even out yet.*** World at War? fucking Pokemon and Guild Wars have severed all contact with such new shiny technological marvels. oh, and yeah, i still haven't finished FFVIII. i'll do it later, just like this god damn essay i'm supposed to be writing. fuck my life. i'm not even going to bother decking out this blog with awesome pictures to detract from my self-indulgent wall of prose, so deal w/ it. you read all that, hopefully. good job. your attention span is acceptable.

i'm out, laterrrr

* hahah, i originally posted this blog post and then found this spelling error as soon as i clicked "Post". i'm gonna leave it there just for comedy value, it's a rather nice typo. i really need to get some sleep, it just turned 12 AM and i still have at least 3 hours of work to do, fml

** HEY YO JASON, "wait was that andy or another fucking ranger that looks exactly like him", leaving runs before paying, running to hogwarts for 10k, gotta kill that warthog, i'll fuck your shit up, sgt steve, excuse me im not interested in having my bong toked, that fucking fellblade, repeat after me FUCK YEAH etc. fun shit

*** lol fail

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Edited By AndyWilliams24


They guy was such a cunt, well by now you already know I've got the complete collections and am ready for fuck my summer up good style. Never can beat out good o'l skype calls.

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Edited By Verdugo


Thought you died or something:P.

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time allen


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Edited By time allen


We need to do some skypeth this weekend.

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Edited By KnightsofRound

Yay, I have an acceptable atten........