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Gears Of War 2 CE and LE packages:

At the San Diego Comic-Con this week, the panel members of Gears of War 2 (design director Cliff Bleszinski, game scriptwriter Josh Ortega, and Gears novelist Karen Travis) released some new information regarding the CE/LE for the new highly anticipated Gears of War 2. They brought forward more information regarding what is actually going into these packages and what our hard earned money is buying.

As the list stands they are including:

  • Beneath the Surface: An Inside Look at Gears of War 2. A 48-page hardbound book including character profiles, exclusive concept art, and foreword by Design Director Cliff Bleszinski.
  • Making-Of-Bonus DVD including exclusive video footage, design galleries with audio commentary by Epic Games, and promotional videos including the E3 2008 “Rendezvous” trailer.
  • A Dominic and Maria keepsake photo.
  • Steel DVD case.
  • An exclusive Xbox LIVE code to unlock a gold-plated Lancer Assault Rifle for online multiplayer.

They have now announced something many people that play Gears (like myself) would drool over if they could be in the same room as one… and that is the famous Gears of War Lancer. We are not clear yet if it will have its own packaging like Halo 3 did with its Legendary Edition, as Microsoft have not yet announced a third edition (Standard, Limited and now Collectors).  What also hasn’t been announced yet is the size of it. Many of us are hoping it will be life size which many still doubt, but I can see it now all over the news “Suspect terrorists, terrorize local people with chainsaw like rifles…”


The package with the Lancer has been set for $130 US which was the same price that the Halo 3 Legendary package cost, so be prepared to fork up approximately AU$200 locally!

[ED] It is interesting to note, that what would normally be high asking prices for such things, we are now paying far less than we did just a few short years ago. Just look at the cost of the latest GTA:IV Collectors edition in value for money. Then compare it to the first major one like this, Halo 3’s Legendary Edition which was basically $AU200 +-

Collectors and Limited Edition Packages:

The Gears of War 2 CE/LE package is no different from others we see in games coming out now, which consist essentially of the same things. They all satisfy the fanboys that are paying out big time for these packages, but I think they can do more, adding things to these packages that are not so gimmicky. I mean, do we really need a Dominic and Maria photo just for keepsakes?

Don’t get me wrong they’re fabulous add-ons to these packages, but I think including more things that we might find more useful throughout the game experience such as an ultimate guide to the game would be fantastic. These manuals normally get made separately to the game and many people find them really helpful. If they bundled this in the CE and LE packages I think it would be a further incentive to buy them.

We are seeing more and more CE/LE hitting the shelves with today’s games. These packages don’t just appeal to the users and the players who buy and play these games, but to collectors in general who are willing to buy such items, even at a premium.

Of course like with everything, it’s all about money. The publishers make big bucks out of these by pleasing the fanboys who crave such things. Publishers only have a small window to fulfill a title’s desired income goal, and with these packages they are doubling their profit (in some cases) relative to much lower standard package returns, and so it’s clearly a great option for many publishes to push forward.

The publisher also gets a clear outline on how solid their sales will be on the date of release with many people pre-ordering their CE/LE and standard packages. Which are often only available now as pre-orders, making the sales almost guaranteed. All this bonus material (videos, concept art, etc) costs the publisher far less than standard game development but still a significant amount in many case. With some costs of promotion only reaching as high as $US10 million and upwards.

Some members of the gaming community could see it as a rip off, believing that it takes very little to throw a DVD, some art and some plastic toys together, but that’s far from the truth. Giving the false sence of actual cost when you consider it’s just some paper and DVD videos, that could be some tidy profit! BUt it’s not always the case.

As games come and go we’re sure to see more of these CE/LE packages coming out. I myself would be happy to pay the extra money for these packages, as they are often collector’s items and present an opportunity I simply cannot pass on with some games. And as these packages develop and start to become a normal thing for publishers, giving gamers a wide range of choice, we will see more innovations in what things are included in these packages.

I can only hope we will receive more useful things such as complete walkthroughs… And then all this will be gladly accepted into our gaming hearts as we build custom fabricated shelves just to store these precious items pack in their bulky metal cases!