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How Call of Duty 4 ruined the FPS genre

First thing if you like the COD series don't read this simple as that ok this will be a rant or whatever you want to call it.

The FPS genre in the past 9 years has been in intoxicated with simple minded gameplay and gimmicks.COD4 dumbed a generation of games and gamers there is a term use that best describes this COD syndrome all the publishers saw money after modern warfare came out and they sold out faster than Bono.Lets start with some games series that where really great but than completely change after MW came out. The first victim and this is this the most painful one for me is the F.E.A.R. series the original game is amazing still to to this day it has probably the most satisfy gun combat I have ever played in a game it also had amazing AI the game was ahead of it's time.In 2009 they released the sequel Project Origin but there was something wrong with this game the AI is alot dumber the weapon sounds are weak and the guns have barely any recoil if any the grenades have indicators it's missing alot of particle effects and shadows are missing it was dumbed down and a product of COD syndrome here is video showing missing shadows ect.

Ok next Victim is the Crysis series people would always say Crysis felt like a tech demo I don't agree at all. The game not only had ground breaking graphics that still hold up today but the gameplay was actually good and fun there was some tactics you could use to flank your enemies. Crysis 2 on the other hand got rid of that there wasn't much tactics at all and the guns had zero recoil if any the mp mode played like COD also there was less destruction and the lean feature in the first game was missing and replace by a weak strafe not to mention maximum speed was taken out and the game felt alot worst for it. You can say these PC games where consolized and that is true and COD4 was the start of this trend.

Last game on the list I could put many other games down but I'm just sticking to the three that pissed me off the most last one is Battlefield 3. You could say it started with bad company series and that is true but I'm giving it a pass because it was a spinoff and not a sequel to BF2. Anyway in my opinion and many others Battlefield 2 was the best in the series it brought great teamwork and tactics and vehicle warfare and the graphics back in the day where high end. So lets get to BF3 2011 first big change from two is all the worthless weapon loadouts that was copied from COD. In BF2 you would just unlock weapons no worthless attachments and the jets felt like you where flying paper airplanes in BF3 they felt off. Regenerating health was introduce in 3 what's the point of the medic now when you can just sit back behind cover and wait to heal the team work wasn't as needed in BF3 as much as BF2 also the commander mode was missing.

To finish this all up COD4 has done so much harm to the FPS genre it has lost what made FPS special. It's not all bad though things are slowing turning around games like Metro series and the new Wolfenstein is getting out some of that COD stink out but sadly some shit never changes look at the Doom MP beta loadouts really? All in All I think the FPS genre would be amazing now if COD4 never came out we would have more smarter and unique shooters like we use to.