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IP@E3: Really Nintendo? You Sure? Ok. Wii Music Announced!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008 by Kim

"Isn't it called Rock Band?"

Oh Nintendo, always trying to stick your fingers in someone's elses pie. It took all of Nintendo's brass (See what I did there) to ring in the announcement this morning with a honky tonk jam unlike any seen before. They played the theme to Super Mario Bros, everyone's jaws dropped, and everyone asked themselves, "Is this Nintendo's big E3 release?" It was one of the most horrifying things I ever witnessed, and I don't want to experience anything like it ever again.

Wii Music is Nintendo's take on the rhytym music genre. I'm not really sure what the point of it is, but from what was shown, it's to play music. What I really don't understand is the formula behind it. Guitar Hero and Rock Band, I understand. There's notes on the screen, you hit them and good things happen. In "Wii Music" you just sort of shake your Wii-motes to the beat, and that's about it. It's like playing "Guitar Hero" on infant setting, without any good music.

I know there are people everywhere that are going to love this. They're going to buy it the first day it comes out, play it until they're weak in the knees, and tell all of their aunties about it. Well, we hate to be the one to burst your bubble but "Wii Music" really sucks. Almost every reporter thought it, and I think Nintendo has to get up off those laurels before they break.

Shiggy getting his demo on in the clip below.

Kim Fidler