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Video games - the greatest and worse influence on my life. Can't complain though.

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Beating My Backlog - Entry 01 - I’ve Already Failed

I’ve already explained that I am weak and to prove it have added an additional game (Legend of Grimrock 2) to my backlog. On the bright side it was for charity and I already expected Humble Bundle games to increase the number of games awaiting playing. That and Nintendo games are where I see myself failing due to the lack of price reductions on Nintendo games and the excuse of “well its for a good cause” for Humble Bundle games.

I have actually made some progress though as I’ve also played some more Knack which is not a good game. Outside of a frustrating combat system, uninspired gameplay loop and poor level design its just not an enjoyable game to play. Its by no means the worse action platformer that I’ve played but its still not worth playing. The people crying out for this to be included as a PS Plus title are just crazy.

Regarding my backlog of games again, the first order of business is deciding on the games that I’ll definitely not be playing anytime soon. Some I’ll set aside for my Christmas break from school (yes I’m thinking that far ahead of myself) and others I’ll simply set aside due to the large time commitment required to play them. So far here’s what I’ve decided upon:

Christmas Break:

  • Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (PS4)
  • MGS V: Ground Zeroes (PS4)
  • MGS V: The Phantom Pain (PS4) - will need to buy this though
  • To The Moon (Steam)