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Adventure Or Bust Volume: 1

Recently I've been growing tired of playing adventure maps in Minecraft. For those that don't know what an adventure map is, it's basically a world you download that's been built by someone that incorporates challenges or a narrative for the person playing it. Think of it as a Module for DnD, kind of. Doing a search on youtube should show you a few good examples.

The solution to my problem is to make my own Adventure Map. I'm a pretty creative person and us such see this project as a good way to vent some of my ideas. I have a basic format that I want to follow that goes like this...

  1. A Legend of Zelda style structure (Have themed dungeons that are half action half puzzle)
  2. A sizable over world (Not Skyrim big more like, well Zelda big.)
  3. Loot
  4. Creative Puzzles (Many minecraft adventure maps fall on overused puzzles, I'm looking at you complete the red stone circuit)
  5. An interesting world
  6. Something that takes about 5 hours or so to complete

Instead of going on this journey of creation on my own, I'd share it with the Giant Bomb community. I'll share weekly (hopefully) updates on my progress. Yes their will be screenshots. If anyone has any advice or suggestions please PM me.

Ps: The "volumes" after this will be formatted in a completely different way.