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Average score of 3 user reviews

A Solid Shooter with great ideas but decent execution. 0

There's so much great ideas in BRINK. The SMART system that allows you to traverse the game world any way you want. The customization options that allow you to change your appearance right down to the guns you use. The objective-based gameplay that relies heavily on teamwork. BRINK comes together nicely making it a solid shooter thats alot of fun, but there are some things that bring the experience down.Splash Damage is known for their team objective-based multiplayer shooters (Wolfenstein: Enem...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Alpha Protocol - A REAL RPG 8

Ignore the reviews, any fan of RPG's MUST play this game. If you can look past the texture pop-in, stiff animations, and various bugs, there is a hidden gem to be played.  Let's start with the positives, the dialogue system is one of the best in gaming. Dialogue choices actually effect the overall story and how certain characters view you. It doesn't have empty choices that lead nowhere (Mass Effect, etc.). It also has a great cast of characters and an intriguing storyline. The RPG elements in t...

34 out of 43 found this review helpful.

An Underrated Masterpiece. 0

Based on the Pen-and-Paper RPG by White Wolf called "World of Darkness" comes Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines on the PC. It is the first game non-valve game to use the Source Engine. The game was released with major bugs and slowdowns (specifically outdoor environments). Despite that, it is still is a rich world to explore. With the fan community constantly updating the game with patches, it just keeps getting better and better.The combat is rather clunky and guns do hardly any damage, melee ...

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