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steam: discord: radiocage#6698

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4.3 stars

Average score of 8 user reviews

A Good Mario Game, but Too Familiar 0

I will start this off by saying that Super Mario Odyssey is a great game, and it is certainly worth your time. As a long time fan of the series, however, it doesn't feel all that new and fresh. Perhaps I'm being unfair when I compare it to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, but they're both the most recent main entries into Nintendo's two most loved series, so it's a little hard to look at one without being influenced by the other. I did not play either game until this year, which I have c...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Adventure is Often Painful, but Worth It 0

I love Divinity: Original Sin. It isn't without flaws, but I don't rate games on their technical excellence, or their lack of bugs. To me, a five star game must absorb more time than is normally required to complete the game, it must immerse me in a world that is somehow unique and interesting, and it must provide game mechanics that are not only addictive, but intelligently implemented and interesting. Divinity: Original Sin hits on all of these notes, and when it misses, it barely misses at al...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

(Not the) Sequel for Everyone 0

There are at least two different types of people that play Dark Souls. There are those of us that spend more time playing with the PvP aspect, and those of us that spend more time playing the PvE side of things. Dark Souls II excels in one area, and falters in another. For those of us that enjoy the PvP, and spend more time invading, hosting fights, and dueling, Dark Souls II is a wonderful experience that obliterates a large portion of the first game's problems and downfalls, while adding new e...

4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

Spent More on the Beer I Drank 1

GodMode is a fine game. It costs $9.99, and I played it for about four hours last night. We completed all of the levels, fooled around with the Oath system, and futzed around with the different guns and difficulty modes. I should probably preface this by saying that I'm tired of third person shooters, tired of cover based shooting, and vastly prefer a decent game with clever elements to an extremely well executed game of standards. That being said, does God Mode really stand up to other $10 game...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Bewilderment... and then Indifference 0

Antichamber is a very unique experience. It's designed from the get-go to completely decimate your expectations, and it succeeds at that in more than one way. Your preconceptions of space (or what the definition of the word "room" is,) can get you into a lot of trouble in this game. You may find yourself in three different areas before you complete a full 360ยบ turn. Additionally, walls, floors, and ceilings may dissolve to show you the true nature of things, or a furious atom may get incredibly ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A Deep, Satisfying Multiplayer Experience 0

(If you want to skip the nostalgia trip and the mandatory Unknown Worlds Entertainment story, go to the fourth paragraph.)Unknown Worlds Entertainment have come a long, long way since 2002. In October of that year, on Halloween specifically, they released a mod for the Half-Life engine (Gold Source, if you know your game engines) called Natural Selection. Three tremendous versions (1.0 -> 3.0,) a myriad of updates and balance changes, and many thousands of players later, the mod fell victim t...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

A Mixed Bag, but the Good Kind 0

Dishonored is being touted by critics and fans alike as a nice, progressive step in the right direction for the stealth genre. I don't see it that way, though. Many reviews applaud the game for it's use of powers to make stealth easier and more fun. While the powers available to the player are certainly interesting and fun to use, they don't exactly push the genres in any new directions or do anything particularly remarkable to make stealth games more playable. Deus Ex, after all, had augmentati...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Easily the best game this year 0

Some people tout this game as being a mere extension of the first game. In many ways they are right, but in many more ways, they are dead fucking wrong.Borderlands 1 was a surprise hit, taking Gearbox to a new level of game design. It was a FPS based around loot - an uncommon concept that was executed in a moderately good way. There was a great deal of variety in the randomized weapons, but a lot of them were very similar to other ones. The randomization system was impressive and lackluster all ...

5 out of 8 found this review helpful.