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Best of 2010

Nemesis2K's Top Ten Games 2010

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  • I loved, LOVED, The first Mass Effect. I must have completed it over 6 times... In a month! It was all i would play, over and over again. Some people i know hated me as all i would talk about is this boring, broken & uninteresting (to them) action-RPG. Then new games came out and i set the first game aside. Years later, the sequel was published. You can imagine what happened.

  • What a game! i was never the biggest fan of Devil May Cry or Ninja Gaiden, the action got too much to bare, the story annoyed me and the characters are too far fetched. So how on earth did i wind up S Ranking this game? Everything in this game had me on the edge of my seat either wide eyed in amazement or laughing from the craziness. Perfect in every way!

  • You may think I put this on as a joke, you would be wrong. I watched the endurance run and straight after imported this game from Korea at double the price then when it got published in the UK I bought it again. love it! Isn't that right Zach? Also Francis York Morgan is the best new character of 2010, fact!

  • I put so many hours into the multiplayer of this game i almost forgot it had a single player. Loved every map and it was my first battlefield online experience i enjoyed, with the vietnam DLC .. It just got itself an extra life! On top of that it was one of the few online shooters that i actually ranked out on top more often than not!

  • I know this is a marmite kind of game, but my God, I loved every second. Granted the choices are a delusion, the voice acting terrible and the characters dove face first into the uncanny valley. The first time I played this game it provoked tons of emotions in me, and even though the second time around I saw all it's tricks, I still consider this game a shining star for 2010.

  • When i first played Chains of Olympus on the PSP i was amused for a while before leaving it down 60% through the game and never having much desire to finish it. a year later I got Ghost of Sparta.. I completed it in the space of a few days. It was so good I went back and finished Chains of Olympus as well as the GOW:Collection and GOW 3 all over again!

  • How this game got shit on by almost every publication (including Giant Bomb) is beyond me. This game sets itself away from conventional Action RPG elements and runs with it. Part hack-n-slash, part text adventure, part bullet hell. This game blew me away with it's incredibly moving narrative, and with more to learn the more you replay, this makes it (to me) one of the most satisfying RPGs in history.

  • Black ops was a great Call of Duty release, the single player took you to a wide selection of locales while the multiplayer got filled out with all sorts of extras, the zombie mode made a nice return while also including many secrets like Zork and a top down shooter. It is no Modern Warfare unfortunately but props where it's due!

  • They said it could never be done, a sonic game in 3D that works? Well guess what it was done flawlessly. The music and visual style is spectacular and the game plays fast and furious like a sonic game should, a nice warning indicator removes the frustrations of bottomless pits coming out of nowhere. The game has plenty of power ups to add variety and has none of the failed character ideas from past games. It's no Mario Galaxy 2 sure, but this is one game that blew me away when it shattered my expectations.

  • I bought the first game and never really made the time to play it, i was was disappointed that the blood was cut from the PAL version and that always bothered me. The second was released uncut and I read that the story is independent enough that completion of the first wasn't needed. Time to give this series a proper chance and I'm so glad I did, Travis is the man! The game is structured in a way tat makes you wanna keep playing to see who's next on the list to murder. Fantastic character design really makes this game stand out. I might go back and finish the first now.