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Average score of 18 user reviews

Hollow Knight - One of gaming's modern classics 2

Hollow Knight is a masterpiece of modern gaming and one of the best if not the best Metroidvania ever made. That might be a bold statement to some people but for real I adore everything about this game, it might be perfect. I have a personal list of all the things I look for in a video game and Hollow Knight just checks off every box. I've seen a lot of people draw comparisons to the Soulsborne series for this game and typically I dislike when people compare every game with difficulty and third-...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Destiny 2 Review (unfinished) 0

Destiny is one of this generation's biggest gaming franchises and it's not too hard to see why. But despite its status, it's still very flawed, especially the first entry. Luckily for us gamers and hardcore Destiny fans the second entry does deliver on the promise the first game made back when it was announced. Destiny 2 feels like what the first Destiny should've been. As a result, it doesn't feel entirely like a sequel though, more like a soft reboot that atones for the mishaps of the fi...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Inside 0

Inside is a perfect example of quality over quantity in video games. I beat this game in a mere four hours and then half of that upon a second play through after learning the solutions to all the puzzles but I was absolutely mesmerized by almost every second of it.Inside tells one of the smartest, most intriguing, and thought-provoking stories in the history of gaming, without a single line of spoken dialogue. So much of it is left shrouded in ambiguity and left up to the interpretation of the p...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

InFamous Second Son 0

Like some of the other titles that came out alongside it InFamous: Second Son is more of a hardware showcase than anything else, it's got impressive visuals and use of the PS4's different hardware functions but also to its detriment has shallow gameplay and a forgettable story. The InFamous series main mechanics are your superpowers and the morality system and Second Son is no different. Throughout the course of the game, you can swap between three (eventually four upon beating the main story) d...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Fallout 4 - A few steps forward and a few backward for this classic franchise 0

Fallout 4 is better than it's predecessors and even other Bethesda RPGs in a lot of ways, but in others, it's far weaker. Let me elaborate. Fallout 4 takes a more streamlined approach to the point where it feels like just as much a shooter as it is an RPG if not more. This is because it has a much larger emphasis on combat than the titles that came before it and I honestly see that as a good thing.The combat in Fallout 3 and New Vegas was very sloppy and left a lot to be desired. Unless you use...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Star Wars Battlefront - Great tech demo but a terrible game 0

I love Star Wars with a burning passion. Everything about the original trilogy is perfect, George Lucas had created some of the most memorable characters and set pieces in the history of cinema, and John Williams is equally to blame for the quality of the series because he is responsible for creating the most symphonic and uplifting score in any movie ever. So when you create a piece of Star Wars media you have every advantage in the world to create something incredible, and from a technical sta...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Shovel Knight 0

So many games try to lure people in through nostalgia with music and visuals that are reminiscent of games from their childhood but they haven't innovated with the gameplay at all. They're still plagued by NES era design flaws, which in turn makes them not very fun to play. However, Shovel Knight takes its influence from games like Castlevania, Mega Man, Zelda II, Ninja Gaiden, Super Mario Bros, and Duck Tales without sacrificing the gameplay. It takes what works, expands on it, adds a modern tw...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Shadow of the Colossus (2018 remake) 0

I've always thought the game had so much potential to be something truly special but I just couldn't see past the technical limitations of the PS2's hardware, the desaturated graphics, and color scheme, and the clunky controls and AI so when I heard that the game would be receiving a full on from the ground up remake I was excited because it seemed like the game would finally get the treatment it deserves and fix all those nagging issues that the original game has, and just from a visual standpo...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain 0

I've always found the whole movie-game hybrid schtick of previous Metal Gear games like Sons of Liberty and Snake Eater to be a little off-putting, which is made worse by the fact that the story of the Metal Gear franchise itself is convoluted and hard to follow especially with its out of order timeline, and that's not even mentioning the fact that clones that are eventually thrown into the mix. Those same story issues carry over to The Phantom Pain but this is a different type of Metal Gear ga...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Horizon Zero Dawn 0

It's no secret that there are way too many open-world games on the market right now. It feels like a lot of games are open world just for the sake of being open world when in reality they'd actually benefit from being more linear. But thankfully, Sony's new IP Horizon Zero Dawn does more than most to cut down on the shortcomings and cliches of the genre.Like the lack of fast traveling compared to most open-world games. In any Far Cry, or Assassins Creed game, for example, you can fast travel to...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Dark Souls III 0

Dark Souls is one of if not my favorite video game franchise of all time. I love everything about them, the interconnected worlds have so many secrets and shortcuts to find which in turn encourage exploration, they're large enough to not feel linear but still be packed with variety from one area to the next, the visually oriented show don't tell approach to storytelling, and the memorable boss fights that evoke such a huge feeling of satisfaction when they're defeated. With that said, I can say ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

God of War - The PS4's ultimate system seller 0

Sony has once again proven that their platform is the one to be on this generation because God of War is as close to a masterpiece as you can get without actually reaching that status.I've never been a huge fan of the God of War series or beat em ups, in general, so I'm really glad God of War took a different approach that's more narrative-driven with action-adventure game style combat. The story is easily one of the best in the PS4's game library too that tells the tale of a much older Kratos ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

DOOM - Give it some upgrades and you've got the perfect shooter 0

Jesus Christ this game is phenomenal. Doom is definitely up there with some of the best single-player shooters of this entire generation. There are so many positive things to say about Doom that I don't even know where to start. I guess I could start by saying the gameplay is a polished reboot of the series and id Software has done a great job of making Doom stand out and be unique among a large crowd of mediocre shooters by making smart design choice after smart design choice, such as not havin...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Dying Light - A mixed bag of a zombie game 0

It's no secret that the zombie sub-genre is pretty oversaturated and if I started listing all the zombie games that have come out in the past decade we'd be here all day. The sub-genre has some very good standout titles such as Left 4 Dead and The Last of Us that are considered to be classics by many but nothing else has ever really reached that same status. So what does Dying Light have to offer in a market that is oversaturated with zombie games year in and year out and can it compete with the...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Titanfall 2 0

The first Titanfall game was pretty good and was a breath of fresh air from your typical multiplayer fps without completely throwing the formula out the window. It looked like a Call of Duty game and had a similar atmosphere as a Call of Duty game only it was executed much better. It had much-needed improvements to the time to kill and spawns, as well as being more balanced and strategic, the combat was more action-packed and fast-paced due to being equipped with grappling hooks, jetpacks, a wal...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Marvel's Spider-Man 0

I've always loved Spider-Man for as long as I can remember and I think Spider-Man games have had a rough history, which includes the Spider-Man 2 video game by the way, which I think is incredibly overrated. Nobody could ever seem to get the formula right and the fact that most of them are cheap movie tie-in games doesn't help. But I was excited when this game was announced because I think Insomniac is a great company and the E3 footage only made me more hopeful because it really looked like fo...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey 0

Assassins Creed Odyssey is the eleventh major title in Ubisoft's annual franchise and in my opinion, might top Assassins Creed IV Black Flag as the best in the series. But is that saying much? No, not really. I'll start with the positives first and say that Odyssey is an improvement compared to 2017's Origins and the rest of the series. It continues the RPG esque gameplay set up by Origins that separated it from all the games prior and balanced out the gameplay a bit by having more tolerable or ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Uncharted 4 0

Beforehand I would like to mention that if you have no experience with the Uncharted series, before playing this game go out and buy The Nathan Drake Collection which bundles remastered versions of the first three games and is, in my opinion, the definitive way to play those games with updated graphics, a higher frame rate, and a fixed cover system. This will give you a much deeper connection with the characters going into Uncharted 4 and will greatly enhance your experience.Uncharted 4 is the ...

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