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Scaphoid fractures and Maths papers

 Right now I am in the middle of my scottish higher exams (my high school finals for all you yanks). These are the exams that will ultimately be used to apply to university courses I want to attend in two years time.
Three days ago, in a moment of true bad luck, I tripped on my stairs, landing awkardly on my wrist. It was only two days ago I decided to go to the doc

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tors who told me I should go get it x-rayed. At the hospital I was shown my x-ray and turns out I have a pretty major fracture in my scaphoid bone. I'm now in a cast and have been told I may have to have an operation in the middle of my exams.


So yesterday I sat my english exam. Aided by a keyboard, wordpad and some extra time I managed to get through it and don't feel as if I was at much of a disadvantage. But my maths exam is coming up which I may have to use a scribe for. This will involve me speaking to someone my answers to the questions. I imagine this is going to be much more difficult than doing english with a keyboard and what makes matters worse is that I really need at least a B in maths to get into the course I want. My prelim (mock exam) that I sat earlier in the year only just scraped a B and I don't know if this would hold up if I tried to appeal for it.

Well thats the troubles that are plaguing my mind just now giantbomb. Wish me luck.