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I'm a wuss when it comes to horror games...

I have been afraid of horror games for as long as I can remember. Yet for some reason I usually cite Resident Evil and Silent Hill as two of my favorite game franchises. I have never beaten any of those games. I have only watched other people play them. When I was a kid I would watch my dad pay the old RE and SH games on PS1 and it was so awesome. But I could never bring myself to play them. Also FYI I am 23 now.

I have had the idea to record myself playing scary games for a while but never had the courage to do it. I want do start some kind of video series of this sort.

I'm thinking of starting with minecraft... Because playing that game on any difficulty beyond peaceful freaks me the fuck out. I also just got Amnesia in the latest humble indie bundle, I also have penumbra from an older bundle.

I want to experience these games first hand for once! I beg you all to be my wingmen on this journey.

What games should I play? (I can only capture PC games) Or rather what game do you all want to see me play?

This is me playing minecraft on easy for (basically) the first time:

I feel stupid for freaking out like i did... I actually had to quit at the end of the video. Also I was speaking softly because it is like 3AM. So the more excitable I am the quieter my voice is.

The video is taking awhile to upload. Its at 10% right now... But aparently, "My Account is now enabled for uploads longer than 15 minuets." so thats cool I guess. This one is only like 2:30 though.