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Job search blog. Dark month, new optimism.

So after a bunch of seriously disappointing interviews. I started applying for jobs in the only field that I have any working experience in, which saddens me but also the thought of actually having a job is exciting. Since I quit my last job I have been searching for jobs that are nothing like that one. That one being Baking. I have almost no interest in baking. But while applying to many different places this week it seems like the only people who are remotely interested in me are Bakeries.

Like I walked in to safeway and started talking to the people working in the bakery, I told them that I was a baker and asked if they had any positions. Within 5 minutes I was in a back room speaking with the manager of the bakery.

I also went to a locally owned cupcake shop and the manager there seemed pretty excited to tell the owner about me.(granted that manager is also a friend of my mothers.)

Those are currently my most interesting prospects. As much as I hate the idea of being a baker again.