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What do you do when you are out of options in life?

I have been looking for a job for a long time. Nothing has come up, I've applied everywhere in town and even jobs in other cities nearby. So I have come up with a new plan. I don't know if it will work hell even if it does work I don't know if I will make any money. Heres the rundown:

I want to design videogames for a living. I tried going to college, waste of my time. So I am just GONNA DO IT. I cant design a videogame because I don't have access to the ressources or have the skills I would need to do it on my own. So I am not going to design a videogame, I'm gonna design a board game.

I have been designing like crazy. I have a bunch of ideas and I am just going over them in more and more detail until I decide if the idea is actually any good or not. I soon plan to build a prototype and will begin play testing it with my friends. After I do a bunch of play testing I will figure out a prototype/beta version that can be printed out on paper and taped together so that anyone can play test it too. Then at some point kickstarter or something will happen I guess.

I see other people doing this same stuff every day on the internet so why cant I do it too?

EDIT: I'm not ready to reveal any details on the game its self or how it plays/mechanics it has.