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I don't even hate it; I just don't think it could be much more disappointing without being aggressively bad. My ★½…

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1up's Chick reviews Case Zero, makes terrible comment

The review made me feel like buying the game (though I was pretty interested already), but in his last paragraph he said something that made me shudder: 

This is a wonderful way for Capcom to build to the release of the full game. You might chafe a bit at having to pay for it -- I'd much rather have seen this as part of some sort of pre-order deal -- but you can't argue that Case Zero is not only an effective way to set the stage and build anticipation, it's also a meaty, satisfying slice of the zombie apocalypse.    

Making Case Zero a pre-order bonus would be the opposite of a good idea and it'd set a terrible precedent as well.  Capcom did a wonderful thing by throwing down a 400 MSP Prequel to the Sequel.  It was the right way to do this, as Case Zero is a promotional device.  You don't give your promotional game exclusively to people who already bought your game.  That's crazy talk.  Exclusive pre-order content is bad enough as it is.