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I don't even hate it; I just don't think it could be much more disappointing without being aggressively bad. My ★½…

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I write music every day. What a weird thing to do. Wanna hear?

So, a few weeks ago I got the crazy idea to write music every day. No, EVERY day. At least two measures. People who write prose try to sit and write every day, so why shouldn't I?

If you're interested in following the results of this nonsense, I'm going to (try to) upload what I write every day to this tumblr. I may miss a day here or there (you know how things can be), or not be able to (easily) upload what I worked on depending on what software I played with that day.

Sometimes it'll be really underwhelming, but already I've come up with a few fairly listenable things. I may end up using what I get out of these daily exercises in more refined pieces of music, but I figured it'd be interesting to make this process public.

Just so you know, I'll tend to just write in TuxGuitar (or maybe MuseScore, if I can look past its bugginess) and link to the MIDI file. If I do legitimate production on all of these mini-compositions, it'll take up way more of my day than what makes sense. The stuff I write in TuxGuitar will tend to be prog metal type stuff, while I'll probably venture into other genres occasionally. Chiptune, jazz fusion, electronica (in general), string's all on the table.



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Edited By DevWil

So, a few weeks ago I got the crazy idea to write music every day. No, EVERY day. At least two measures. People who write prose try to sit and write every day, so why shouldn't I?

If you're interested in following the results of this nonsense, I'm going to (try to) upload what I write every day to this tumblr. I may miss a day here or there (you know how things can be), or not be able to (easily) upload what I worked on depending on what software I played with that day.

Sometimes it'll be really underwhelming, but already I've come up with a few fairly listenable things. I may end up using what I get out of these daily exercises in more refined pieces of music, but I figured it'd be interesting to make this process public.

Just so you know, I'll tend to just write in TuxGuitar (or maybe MuseScore, if I can look past its bugginess) and link to the MIDI file. If I do legitimate production on all of these mini-compositions, it'll take up way more of my day than what makes sense. The stuff I write in TuxGuitar will tend to be prog metal type stuff, while I'll probably venture into other genres occasionally. Chiptune, jazz fusion, electronica (in general), string's all on the table.

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Edited By FilipHolm

I experience periods where I write pretty much every day too... And then when I actually don't for a couple of days, I panic...

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Edited By Ravenlight

Ragtime duder, go for it!