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Top 5 Games, 2008. It begins.

Gnomes are so fucking hot.
Gnomes are so fucking hot.
5. World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King - A masterful addition to unarguably the most complete, polished, and accessible MMORPG to date, Wrath raised the bar in both story-telling and immersion. Arthas has been in our minds since The Frozen Throne 4 years ago, and I look forward to the conclusion of this story arc.  

4. Mega Man 9 - Back to the basics, Mega Man 9 is an example of what I want the video game industry to embrace and encourage. With most developers constantly reaching for the most bleeding edge graphics and gameplay, sometimes the soul of a game gets lost along the way. Fallout 3 is one such game that utterly fails in this regard, providing a cold experience beyond the whole post-apocalyptic wasteland thing. There was a lot of attention to detail paid in the creation of this game, and it shows with the intuitive and classic 2D gameplay we all "love" and grew up with.


 3. Left 4 Dead - 5,133 zombies were slain in the making of this blog, and this game is fucking awesome. Four movies, each with five chapters of insanity. The only reason this game isn't at the top of my list is do to the lack of modes and more chapters. I know they'll be coming later on, but I'm a greedy bastard.

2. World of Goo - Is it against the rules to pick a small, low budget game as one of the top games of the year? Everywhere I look, it seems that games like Fallout 3, Grand Theft Auto IV, and Metal Gear Solid 4 are at the top of everyone's list. It just so happens all of those games are multi-platinum and multi-million dollar productions. None of those games, I repeat, none of those games provided a more charming, joyful, satisfying, and exhilarating experience than World of Goo. 

More Heroes, please.
More Heroes, please.
1. No More Heroes - This is not the best game of the year. What I mean to say is that this isn't the best made game of the year. And that's why it sucks to be a game critic. They don't get to pick games like No More Heroes. They have to pick the popular games, the cutting-edge games, the games with the most impact on the industry.. not this goofy, flawed game on the Wii. And flawed as it is, despite the flaws I should say, no game in 2008 left a more memorable and lasting impression on me than No More Heroes did, no game captured my interest as thoroughly as No More Heroes, and that's why it is my game of the year. Encore Travis Touchdown, encore.

 This is the first time I've ever concluded any year's top 5 list with a downloadable game on it, let alone two. Honestly, I'm OK with that. The mega-blockbuster titles like Fallout 3 and GTA IV, even Super Smash Brothers Brawl always seem to fail to meet the hype and expectations I have before playing them. This was a pretty good year for gaming, but it is likely to pale in comparison to the monster year about to befall us in 2009. Cheers! Merry Christmas!