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E3 2012 Personal Highlights [WIP]

[WIP] E3 Highlights

Using this as a dumping ground for things that have twinkled my eyes from this years E3. This won't really be in any sort of order, too much for that.

WIP Links to content to blow out for post.

The Last Of Us

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Interview video is good.

Beyond: Two Souls

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Watch Dogs

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Fuck man, there's some moments when you see something that really makes you glad that you enjoy video games so much. Watching this game makes me feel really happy, like games are super rad again. Could use less shooting though, why did like half those pedestrians suddenly start opening fire on the player exactly? Seemed like they could think of a way to have slightly more creative ways to do things instead of kinda giving up at the end there and requiring some shooting dudes in the head.

Assassin's Creed III

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Splinter Cell: Blacklist

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Hitman Absolution

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Scribblenauts Unlimited

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Scribblenauts Unlimited

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Borderlands 2

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Halo 4

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Need For Speed Most Wanted

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I think the original footage below shows the game in a better light, or at least highlights the reasons I'm into the game better (hint, it's the tone and weird attention to detail with the mech world).

Tomb Raider

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Lost Planet 3

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Devil May Cry

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Announced from the Two Worlds devs.

Star Wars 1313

Brad wrote a bit about what's going on with the ILM partnership in this game, and what that's doing for the game's visuals.

Pikmin 3

This just looks visually pleasant, stunning even.


Tinkering with Skyrim

Sometimes I feel like a pageant mother, pushing Skyrim to be more pretty than it ought to be...

Morrowind Saber
Morrowind Saber

A vast or significant amount of the 100+ hours I’ve spent playing Skyrim so far has been tweaking the game back and forth between playable and beautiful, often shifting many times every day. While messing with uGrids in the Gamebryo Engine can destroy save files and create massive instabilities within the game it offers some of the better enhancements to visual quality and is the actual limiter for many standard tweaks. uGrids are literally the game world itself, how much the of the game world the engine will actually render and calculate at any given time, broken up into ‘grids’ around the player with the default being 5 and playable being 7, though more adventurous users going for great still images opt for 13+ uGrid for what I can imagine is not so much a game but rather a crash fest.

Besides playing Skyrim and tweaking it endlessly, taking screenshots has to be the third highest use of my time within the game and while I’ve not focused on this aspect as much I have managed to rack up almost 400 images. I’ve submitted some of the more notable images I’ve taken over at, just navigate over to the Star Photographers section to see some of them. I do sync my Steam screenshots folder for the game to Picasa as well so ‘all’ of the screens I’ve taken thus far will always be located here with newest at the bottom.

A list of the most notable mods I ‘track’ on
Better Sorting – renames many items
Bookshelf Patch – attempts to fix ‘floating’ placed objects
Embiggen Skyrim – makes skyrim support borderless windowed mode (most stable)
Enhanced Blood Textures – significantly better looking blood splatters
Essential followers plugins – companions in all beth games seem useles if/when they can die
Immersive HUD – iHUD – dynamically hides/shows HUD elements
JaySuS Swords – some great unique models here, not in use by me but definitely one I follow
Legendary Smithing Upgrades – weapon improvements without exploiting potion system
Lost Art of the Blacksmith – adds upgrades to otherwise none upgradable items
Pure Waters Adaptive Flow – one of the few water texture tweaks that I think are good
SKYRIM ENHANCED SHADERS – takes the enbseries tweaks and makes them look good
Skyrim Flora Overhaul – not worth actually using at the moment, but very good work
Skyrim Incremental Saver – very useful since the game doesn’t have a good save system
Skyrim Online – extremely ambitious project…
SkyUI – great UI replacement, adds valuable sorting options and display of items
TESV Acceleration Layer – extreme increases in game performance and stability via code efficiency
Vals Crafting Meltdown Alpha – new blacksmith functions like reverse smelting, arrow crafting etc
Weapon Retexture Project – WRP – great work on making weapons look better
Weapons of the Third Era – adds great, unique weapons from Morrowind
World Map in full 3D – while cumbersome in practice, full navigation of the 3d map is nifty
XCE - Xenius Character Enhancement – all wrapped up into one, characters look better

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl | old text review

Found this and forgot I'd even wrote it, it's just a review after finishing stalker that I apparently needed to write. I haven't even re-read it I just think it needs a better home than google sites :S. May read it myself later, either way here it is: 

  'read piles of text for hours to follow the plot'
  'read piles of text for hours to follow the plot'


Stalker has a relatively nice plot that threads throughout the game, it's not going to win any awards or anything but it does more than just sit there to hold the game together and if you want to get really into it you can get lost in a bit more depth. There is a problem with this, however, as the game really doesn't do a good job of pushing the story on you and I found myself not really caring and only having a vague idea of the plot for most of the game. When I stopped to read messages in my PDA and other things it was nice, and I liked the voiced dialogs (only the first few paragraphs or each quest are voiced but it helps get you into it to start). That's actually a really good idea because the developers get away with less recorded voice work and save space on the game but it also isn't a pure 'read piles of text for hours to follow the plot' either. It basically voices the first parts and if you are interested there is the rest waiting for you, and that's generally what the whole plot is like. Pretty nice and has some depth if you want, but nothing truly compelling and often left aside.

Technical  (Visual, UI, Control)


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First off I'd like to point out that from reading the developers forums since the game's release you can see there are some glaring technical issues with the game, mainly bugs and graphics errors people are experiencing in general and specifically with some cards. I personally never saw any of these major issues and never had the game crash on me or anything of that nature, so I was happy. That isn't to say I didn't still have problems with the game technically, however, as I still have plenty to complain about. I guess the main thing I thought was bad was a general sense of low optimization of the game, a lack of valuable polish and bug testing time.You can tell this because even on low settings it runs really poorly. This makes sense since the game was 6 years in development by a not so big developer and they were most likely getting antsy about releasing it and making some money, but it shows. So even though I never had the crashes and major errors other were talking about I still had stutters and slowdowns on more frequency than other games.

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 I found it really awkward to use most of my items and features of the interface, which was made worse when you see the game does NOT pause when you open it up.  You have to press 'I' to open up your inventory to see all your items and etc. While in the inventory you must right click an item, then move down and select an action much like a simple drop down menu in windows cept that on the right side of the drop down list it doesn't detect your mouse so half the time you right click something then move down to click 'use' or 'drop' and it does nothing, wasting valuable time if you are trying to use a med kit, or god forbid change weapons. I found the map to be very frustrating as it tends to zoom in and out in a weird fashion and is a tad awkward in general.

Controlling your character is alright and just as fine as most PC FPS games, although I've always disliked the keyboard for crouching and this game is no exception. You must hold 'ctrl' to crouch and hold 'ctrl+shift' to crouch further (no prone however).  Not a huge deal but it was kinda weird having two crouches, and not being able to go prone even for using a sniper. Other controls like zooming with the right mouse button and others are general FPS controls and feel fine if you play PC FPS games.


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Questing and most of the RPG elements of the game feel nice, they aren't any World of Warcraft but they are done well enough to not get in your way and still add to the core FPS portion of the game. The game claims to have very realistic ballistics simulations, which I really didn't notice or care about. In fact the guns feel really really bad especially at the start of the game, and I didn't notice bullets falling down over distance, and there is no wind.. so I don't know where they get off throwing terms like 'ballistics simulation' at us. It's basically a 30% rate that you will hit the guy even if you have perfect aim, and couple that with the fact that all enemies you face have bullet-proof armor which can take more than a few FULL CLIPS on more than some occasions. This gets annoying sometimes because your enemies all have infinite ammo, and the AI is actually very smart and ALWAYS is flanking and moving to cover and getting distance on you if you come to them etc. So basically, you sit there with your very small amount of ammo and you are forced to run in there and kill them as fast as you can yet if you do that you will most likely die because they take multiple clips in the chest to down and can kill your in a few shots even on easy. If you stand behind cover they flank you and slowly dwindle your health away if you decide to try and snipe them out with your weapon that has horrible aim and just wastes ammo. Luckily if you score a head shot it's an instant death for that poor military man or mutant, although getting close enough to actually get head shots frequently is very tough since even on easy you are killed more than fast at medium-close ranges. I haven't tried the game on anything other than easy in fact, since I die faster than realistic mode in Rainbow Six:Vegas. I've always hated games that have the 3 modes (easy, medium, hard) and easy turns out to be actually very hard, or hard is still very easy...  Developers should take the time to set their game up right so that you will want to play the game on normal all the time, since easy will be consistently easy and hard will be consistently hard. Something I found annoying was your weight limit, even though the game aims for a more realistic approach. Sometimes you should actually sacrifice realism (even in a game meant to be as real as possible) for fun or just plain playability.


You may ask why I actually continued playing the game  after saying all that negative stuff about the combat...   well I used cheats to help alleviate my frustration. I didn't use god mode but what I did use was infinite sprint which was very nice since I always ran our and was forced to stop walking due to carrying like 3 guns or something. The weight system is actually very forgiving if you are looking at it in real terms.. but it really hampers your ability to stockpile items which is what every RPG player does... at least you can stash all your items in random.. stashes and it stays there.

Any monsters/mutants you encounter in the game are very difficult to kill, mostly because they run at you or jump at you and get in close, which makes it hard to aim at them and just like most pc shooters using your knife is ridiculously... it's near impossible to aim a knife in pc shooters yet in real life you just freakin' stab and it's easy. With these games it always feels like you are stabbing with a needle and you gotta get your pixel right on something to hit it otherwise you'll miss, which is hard with those marine jumpy mutants which lunge in your face and constantly move around and whack you in a bent over position (sometimes you have 3-6 on you... which can all kill you instantly or within 2-4 hits... on easy...).

  Some really good points for this game is the atmosphere, it really pulls off the  living area very well and you really feel like you are in this mostly desolate area full of radioactivity. The random wind that blows by, the sky in the day and the darkness at night really create a sense of tangible loneliness and fear.


Staying up with the Bombcrew

Last night the xboxalypse live stream had me running around trying to play with them as they switched games. Luckily I got into one Halo 2 match, for which I was able to see myself teabagging Drew on the stream, and I also got 'into' Chaos Theory but due to the 10 minute intro video and the training exam level you are required to do I was unable to get into their specific match in time. That game in particular didn't seem like it held up that well anyways, at least compared to Halo or even forza (dude... it's a racing game). 
I was wondering if anyone else caught themselves sacrificing sleep time just to have a chance at playing some games with these gentlemen, and if it was worth it when/if you did.


Forza 3 Confidence from Conference

 I have to say, each day comes and brings more anticipation for Forza 3 from me. I dropped out of racing games around the time of PGR 2-3 and Forza 2. I was originally a big fan of the break-neck thrills of some great rally-esque games like Collin McRae and Rallisport, so I guess my disinterest was due to less about fun driving and more about the dry, calculated none-fun of perfect circuit racing for the 'Arma 2' crowd of racing. That is to say the backyard tuner crowd too poor to own a vehicle they want to drive, and instead invests the little funds they do have on replicates and 1 to 1 scale blueprints and drawings to pretend to tweak and tune.      

 2008 Lamborghini Reventon
2008 Lamborghini Reventon

 -in case these don't work for you (give it time)   
Anyway that's enough berating good people with strong interests, cause hey I'm about to dive into the same pool for my own reasons. Here I am trying to understand said reasons, because I honestly still don't feel like I want to play a 'racing game' per say. This game is interesting from just a game standpoint, most notably it's ability to hold a steady 60fps. For some reason this does more for me then anything else I can think of, and gives the game this weird almost unreal quality that makes it more real then anything else. It's weird because it's not like I haven't played games in 60fps on my PC before, but seeing it so solidly displayed even from a separate camera to have it come through all that and blast you with this feeling is amazing to me. 
The Veyron 
The Veyron 
 With this game including every single inch of my excitement I have for cars that I received from watching Top Gear, that is to say cars like the      Bugatti Veyron is a huge deal for me. Anyone that's watched even a few episodes from Top Gear knows how amazing they can make cars look, and I'm no car nut at all but I still am made to lust over anything they display and it's all there in equally high standards from Forza 3. From some of the amazing locations that deserve showcases themselves to the cars, all shown in a blistering 60fps and in high definition.

Still love Hitman

A Mastermind of Death
A Mastermind of Death

I find that I still love all the Hitman games, and going through them is very enjoyable. I've always enjoyed constructing the perfect assassination or plot against my target, or doing things a bit off and creating a fun little story in any given mission/situation. If there's anything I'd wish from the franchise besides a 5th game is more control and a more sandbox feel, either in the actual game or via a 'sandbox mode' where you can set up your own missions and such, that would be amazing and I think would easily expand the game into something truly remarkable.

The games always offer endless ways to complete and do objectives, and to chain them all together in various ways is always so enjoyable. I have already found many new things about a lot of levels I've already played thousands of times just from my 'new eyes' to this old favorite.
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