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...I never posted a blog on here. Never felt compelled to since I haven't really had any of my own vidya related thoughts in a long time. But the past few days since E3 started I have been starting to feel the magic again. 
I'd be lying if I didn't mention that I'm starting this blog to get the quest for it done. Been doing them since yesterday, never paid them much attention until the E3 set came out. Which I thought was pretty cool, and it gave me that "i'll have regrets if I don't do these" kind of feeling. So I've been doing other ones I can't figure out how to finish the Booth Babes one, I have 9/10. Frustrating. Very frustrating. Well maybe not very, it's just a silly quest on a website I follow. But I'd like to finish them. And god dammit, finish I shall.