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Persona 4 followed me to school...

So, in my theology class last Friday something happened that almost made me break out laughing. I was dozing off because we were just learning about some old psychiatrists or something and something very interesting made me come to attention. We started to learn about "The Shadow and the Persona". It was a serious wtf moment. Now, apparently, this is old news, but for those of you who haven't heard (like I hadn't), Carl Jung was a famous psychiatrist who split the mind into three parts: The ego, the personal unconscious, and the collective unconscious. You can read all about his stuff here, but I'm just going to quote the stuff that was read to us in class and probably the only things anyone cares about.

The Shadow

"It is the "dark side" of the ego, and the evil that we are capable of is often stored there. Actually, the shadow is amoral -- neither good nor bad, just like animals. An animal is capable of tender care for its young and vicious killing for food, but it doesn't choose to do either. It just does what it does. It is "innocent." But from our human perspective, the animal world looks rather brutal, inhuman, so the shadow becomes something of a garbage can for the parts of ourselves that we can't quite admit to.

Symbols of the shadow include the snake (as in the garden of Eden), the dragon, monsters, and demons. It often guards the entrance to a cave or a pool of water, which is the collective unconscious. Next time you dream about wrestling with the devil, it may only be yourself you are wrestling with"
I was hoping that it would have to do with wrestling girls you know or something but, hey.

The Persona

"The persona represents your public image. The word is, obviously, related to the word person and personality, and comes from a Latin word for mask. So the persona is the mask you put on before you show yourself to the outside world. Although it begins as an archetype, by the time we are finished realizing it, it is the part of us most distant from the collective unconscious.

At its best, it is just the "good impression" we all wish to present as we fill the roles society requires of us. But, of course, it can also be the "false impression" we use to manipulate people's opinions and behaviors. And, at its worst, it can be mistaken, even by ourselves, for our true nature: Sometimes we believe we really are what we pretend to be!"

 This guy basically invented Persona.
 This guy basically invented Persona.

Needless to say I was sitting there trying hard not to yell "OH, SO ITS JUST LIKE IN PERSONA!" Anyway, now those terms are all stuck in my head thanks to Persona and I'm gonna ace the fuck out of the test on Monday. See, senators? Games can be helpful!



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Edited By Dr_Feelgood38

So, in my theology class last Friday something happened that almost made me break out laughing. I was dozing off because we were just learning about some old psychiatrists or something and something very interesting made me come to attention. We started to learn about "The Shadow and the Persona". It was a serious wtf moment. Now, apparently, this is old news, but for those of you who haven't heard (like I hadn't), Carl Jung was a famous psychiatrist who split the mind into three parts: The ego, the personal unconscious, and the collective unconscious. You can read all about his stuff here, but I'm just going to quote the stuff that was read to us in class and probably the only things anyone cares about.

The Shadow

"It is the "dark side" of the ego, and the evil that we are capable of is often stored there. Actually, the shadow is amoral -- neither good nor bad, just like animals. An animal is capable of tender care for its young and vicious killing for food, but it doesn't choose to do either. It just does what it does. It is "innocent." But from our human perspective, the animal world looks rather brutal, inhuman, so the shadow becomes something of a garbage can for the parts of ourselves that we can't quite admit to.

Symbols of the shadow include the snake (as in the garden of Eden), the dragon, monsters, and demons. It often guards the entrance to a cave or a pool of water, which is the collective unconscious. Next time you dream about wrestling with the devil, it may only be yourself you are wrestling with"
I was hoping that it would have to do with wrestling girls you know or something but, hey.

The Persona

"The persona represents your public image. The word is, obviously, related to the word person and personality, and comes from a Latin word for mask. So the persona is the mask you put on before you show yourself to the outside world. Although it begins as an archetype, by the time we are finished realizing it, it is the part of us most distant from the collective unconscious.

At its best, it is just the "good impression" we all wish to present as we fill the roles society requires of us. But, of course, it can also be the "false impression" we use to manipulate people's opinions and behaviors. And, at its worst, it can be mistaken, even by ourselves, for our true nature: Sometimes we believe we really are what we pretend to be!"

 This guy basically invented Persona.
 This guy basically invented Persona.

Needless to say I was sitting there trying hard not to yell "OH, SO ITS JUST LIKE IN PERSONA!" Anyway, now those terms are all stuck in my head thanks to Persona and I'm gonna ace the fuck out of the test on Monday. See, senators? Games can be helpful!

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Edited By ajamafalous

Heh, cool.

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Edited By obscurefan

Sweet, I love when game terms and mechanics pop up IRL

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Edited By KowalskiManDown

Carl Jung is God.

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Edited By Dr_Feelgood38
Your username may be the best but your post does not share the same quality. Some substance would have been nice even if it was to express your indifference but, hey, I appreciate all comments.
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Edited By FluxWaveZ

Yeah, I kind of knew "Shadow" and Persona" were real psychological terms.  However, the information that you have posted has clarified those terms more for me, so thanks!  But I have a question that maybe you can answer because you're currently studying on it: if the public image we hold, our Persona, is evil or amoral, what does that make our Shadow?  In that case, do we even have one?  Is our Shadow basically our Persona in that case?

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Edited By Brunchies

That's awesome. 

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Edited By Urmean

Carl Jung confirmed to be the Final Boss in Persona 5.

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I'm looking forward to a Persona: Gaiden which covers Jung's discovery of personas, and then writing a book about them. 

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Edited By Dr_Feelgood38
@FluxWaveZ said:

" Yeah, I kind of knew "Shadow" and Persona" were real psychological terms.  However, the information that you have posted has clarified those terms more for me, so thanks!  But I have a question that maybe you can answer because you're currently studying on it: if the public image we hold, our Persona, is evil or amoral, what does that make our Shadow?  In that case, do we even have one?  Is our Shadow basically our Persona in that case? "

Well, as far as I can tell, the Persona causes the Shadow. The Persona is a socially acceptable front that we put up to fit in. As we continue to change into a person we aren't, we throw everything that society deems taboo into the Shadow. This doesn't make the Shadow evil, it just makes everything in the shadow socially unacceptable. I guess by that definition they are actually polar opposites: the Shadow is everything you are, while the Persona is everything you are trying or pretending to be. I hope that hacked together explanation helps. 

@Urmean said:
" Carl Jung confirmed to be the Final Boss in Persona 5. "
That would be crazy awesome.
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Edited By FluxWaveZ
@Dr_Feelgood38 said:
" @FluxWaveZ said:

" Yeah, I kind of knew "Shadow" and Persona" were real psychological terms.  However, the information that you have posted has clarified those terms more for me, so thanks!  But I have a question that maybe you can answer because you're currently studying on it: if the public image we hold, our Persona, is evil or amoral, what does that make our Shadow?  In that case, do we even have one?  Is our Shadow basically our Persona in that case? "

Well, as far as I can tell, the Persona causes the Shadow. The Persona is a socially acceptable front that we put up to fit in. As we continue to change into a person we aren't, we throw everything that society deems taboo into the Shadow. This doesn't make the Shadow evil, it just makes everything in the shadow socially unacceptable. I guess by that definition they are actually polar opposites: the Shadow is everything you are, while the Persona is everything you are trying or pretending to be. I hope that hacked together explanation helps. 
Not quite, but I think I can kind of understand from it.  Basically, I was asking what someone's Shadow would be if their Persona was basically what society deems taboo.  Not everyone is a nice person or tries to make themselves seem nice to others, actually going up to ignore other people and be closed up on themselves.  For those people, their loner nature would be their Persona, but wouldn't that also be what their Shadow would be like if that person just doesn't like people?  So in this cae wouldn't the Persona = the Shadow?
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Edited By Dr_Feelgood38
Well, after the bit of the lecture that I heard, I've been under the impression that everyone has a Persona and a Shadow no matter how they seem on the outside. I suppose that if you are truly yourself and if you have nothing to hide, you don't wear a mask and, in that case, I guess you would have found the perfect harmony between the two. 
We literally just started talking about Jung on Friday. I was supposed to read a lot about his theories and stuff over the weekend but, in true procrastinator fashion, I haven't started yet. I apologize that I can't really help you yet.
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Edited By IrradiatedTurnip

I was really surprised that they never mentioned the anima in Persona, that I'm aware of, since it's another big part of Jungian philosophy...
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Edited By Pepsiman
@IrradiatedTurnip: Interesting that you should actually bring that up. If you look closely at the recently released opening movie for Persona 3 Portable, the word is actually written out for a few seconds on the screen. In the context of that version of 3 in particular, it probably has something to do with the introduction of a female protagonist with her own storyline, but beyond that, it's probably anybody's guess. For posterity's sake, you can check it out here; the point I'm talking about here appears around 56 seconds.
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Edited By Symphony
@Urmean said:
" Carl Jung confirmed to be the Final Boss in Persona 5. "
I was thinking more along the lines of Carl Jung is the hero of Persona Zero -- a prelude to the entire series and it turns out he is Igor in subsequent games.
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Edited By Dr_Feelgood38
I'm using a low level understanding of the anima and animus here, and, correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the Kanji (inner woman) and Naoto (inner man) deals pretty basic examples of it? It's not totally fleshed out or directly referenced like Shadow or Persona, but it seems to fit ok for me.
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Edited By teptom
@Symphony said:
" @Urmean said:
" Carl Jung confirmed to be the Final Boss in Persona 5. "
I was thinking more along the lines of Carl Jung is the hero of Persona Zero -- a prelude to the entire series and it turns out he is Igor in subsequent games. "
I think I would shit my psychology-loving pants if either scenario happens.
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Edited By keyhunter

I always thought persona games were some sort of social commentary on the Japanese people being a bunch of closet cases.

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@creamypies said:
" Carl Jung is God. "
Are you kidding me?
Jungian psychiatry is almost as outdated as Freud's theories.
Unlike Freud's subconscious desire to fuck his mother, Jung's theories were precursors too bunk new age garbage's way of exploiting so called mind expanding experiences.
Or rather epileptic symptoms and drug use if you're gonna look at it properly.
The idea of the collective unconscious is still a crackpot theory supported by the same poeple who believe we will reach a higher unifying conciousness in 2012 due to us stepping a new Age.
Pardon me if I don't believe a medial science should be guided by a spiritual/religious torch.
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Edited By xymox
@Dr_Feelgood38 said:
"  I'm gonna ace the fuck out of the test on Monday. See, senators? Games can be helpful!"
No Caption Provided
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Edited By bonbolapti
@Dr_Feelgood38 said:  

Anyway, now those terms are all stuck in my head thanks to Persona and I'm gonna ace the fuck out of the test on Monday. See, senators? Games can be helpful!

But the only thing the game did was make you aware of the word. You actually learned all this stuff in class.
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Edited By FluxWaveZ
@bonbolapti said:

" @Dr_Feelgood38 said:  

Anyway, now those terms are all stuck in my head thanks to Persona and I'm gonna ace the fuck out of the test on Monday. See, senators? Games can be helpful!

But the only thing the game did was make you aware of the word. You actually learned all this stuff in class. :| "
No.  The game actually explains what Persona and Shadow are at one point.  Briefly, but it does give you a better understanding of what it is.  Same with Persona 3, where there was a teacher who specialized in magical stuff and he often talked about the Arcana, Persona, Shadows, Mythology and all that stuff.
 @Dr_Feelgood38: Nah, that's helped me out enough, thanks.  So perfect harmony between the two...  Yeah, no one's probably like that.  We all have thoughts that we keep to ourselves and I guess those are part of our Shadow since those thoughts can be our inner emotions or hopes. 
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Edited By Dr_Feelgood38
The game explains them a bit every now and then. I'm just commenting on how, thanks to Persona, the words are all stuck in my head. It's like a football player who changes math problems into plays, he learned the math in school, but the football analogies help him memorize and learn the math.
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Edited By bonbolapti

i see
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@Urmean said:
" Carl Jung confirmed to be the Final Boss in Persona 5. "
Or Igor.
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Edited By metalsnakezero

Maybe Carl Jung is Igor or even Philemon.

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Edited By ShaunM

About two weeks ago, I had a Socratic seminar in my English class about some book we had to read over the summer.  And at some point during the discussion, this weird guy in the corner of the class room randomly shouts out the word "PERSONA!" in the middle of someone else's sentence, and then proceeds to talk about some psychological bullshit that happened in the book. 
I tried so hard not to bust out laughing cause I was expecting some big demon to appear over him and cast some spell on the guy he was interrupting.  

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Edited By BestUsernameEver
@Dr_Feelgood38 said:
" @BestUsernameEver: Your username may be the best but your post does not share the same quality. Some substance would have been nice even if it was to express your indifference but, hey, I appreciate all comments. "
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Edited By KowalskiManDown
@TeflonBilly: Woaaah that was quite the serious response to something I said as a joke. I meant he is God... because alot of the stuff in Persona is based on his theories.
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Edited By ch3burashka
@Dr_Feelgood38: I thought it was common knowledge. Welcome to the world.
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Edited By eirikr

You'll find that Shin Megami Tensei generally doesn't pull terms out of its ass. In addition to the Persona stuff, the treatment given to the various mythological figures is generally pretty spot-on, for example. Compare to something like Xenogears, which used psychological terms pretty arbitrarily. SMT often makes me learn something or at the very least want to learn something, and that's why I still love it so much.

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Edited By FluxWaveZ
@Eirikr said:
" You'll find that Shin Megami Tensei generally doesn't pull terms out of its ass. In addition to the Persona stuff, the treatment given to the various mythological figures is generally pretty spot-on, for example. Compare to something like Xenogears, which used psychological terms pretty arbitrarily. SMT often makes me learn something or at the very least want to learn something, and that's why I still love it so much. "
Do the other SMT games such as DDS or Nocturne also use real world terms and knowledge as much as Persona?  Other than the various mythological figures; are there terms used in those games like the Persona and the Shadow are used in the Persona games?
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Edited By eirikr
@FluxWaveZ: Well, the big one is the relative accuracy of the mythological portrayals, but there's also many concepts and terms related to religion that can more closely parallel the use of psychological terms in Persona. 
For example, Digital Devil Saga is themed around Hindu/ Vedic concepts, one of the most notable being that of the chakras. The seven major chakras in order are Muladhara, Svvadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha, Ajna, and Sahasrara. The idea is to move yourself from chakra to chakra, eventually obtaining union with god at Sahasrara. 
DDS is about a series of warring tribes each who live in a different city named after the chakras, who are told to fight in order to be able to reach Nirvana. Of course, your tribe is located in Muladhara, and you eventually go in the correct chakra order until at last you reach the final dungeon at Sahasrara.
Maybe it's a bit, I dunno, literal? But the games do show they have at least a basic understanding of the terms they are using and what they are trying to convey.
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Edited By FluxWaveZ
@Eirikr said:
" @FluxWaveZ: Well, the big one is the relative accuracy of the mythological portrayals, but there's also many concepts and terms related to religion that can more closely parallel the use of psychological terms in Persona. 
For example, Digital Devil Saga is themed around Hindu/ Vedic concepts, one of the most notable being that of the chakras. The seven major chakras in order are Muladhara, Svvadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha, Ajna, and Sahasrara. The idea is to move yourself from chakra to chakra, eventually obtaining union with god at Sahasrara.    
DDS is about a series of warring tribes each who live in a different city named after the chakras, who are told to fight in order to be able to reach Nirvana. Of course, your tribe is located in Muladhara, and you eventually go in the correct chakra order until at last you reach the final dungeon at Sahasrara.  
Maybe it's a bit, I dunno, literal? But the games do show they have at least a basic understanding of the terms they are using and what they are trying to convey. "
Holy crap!  That seems... tougher to grasp than the concepts presented in Persona (maybe because I can understand psychology stuff much more than anything related to religion).  Sounds like a cool way of making the main concept based on the chakras, though.  I can also see why the game's plot would be (much) more mature or serious than the Persona games with the subject that's handled in the DDS games.
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Edited By IrradiatedTurnip
Actually, you've got a really good point there. I completely missed that.
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Edited By Bruce

It's existed for thousands of years homeslice.