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Games I've Completed in 2010

Just a list of games that I've seen the end of in 2010, assuming I keep it updated, that is...
It's more to satisfy my own curiosity really, but we'll see how it turns out

List items

  • PS3, Completed; 07/01 -- Amazing. Absolutely amazing. From start to finish this was one of the best crafted single player experiences I have ever encountered. The acting was amazing, script was well written and funny, graphics were stunning... Closest gaming has come to an awesome action film, IMO...

  • PC, Completed; 23/01 -- Started this way back in early '09, but due to various reasons ended up quitting for ages, then started again in november until my PSU exploded. Finally got a proper run on the game this month and got it finished. Before it came out I was worried; I love the base building aspects in RTS' (since I usually just turtle-up like an ass), but then the game came out and all fears dissappeared - game plays great , looks great, and it's got me pumped up for March's Chaos Rising expansion. Bring it on!

  • Xbox360, Completed; 06/02 -- Wow. Just goddamn wow. I loved Mass Effect 1, and I had some high hopes for Mass Effect 2, and it went and blew them away. It's one of the most solid shooters I've played in a long damn time, and the RPG aspects are brilliant, although my one main dissapointment is how much they've been scaled back (choice of 2 heavy pistols the whole game? sucks...). Easy contender for GOTY, easy contender for best game ever made in the history of ever.

  • Xbox360, Completed; 09/02 -- The worst of the bunch so far, but that's not difficult with this set. Dante's Inferno is trying so hard to be like God of War... It just can't quite manage it. Sure, the game's fun enough, but it gets a bit repetitive after a while, and it's all over in 6 hours or so. The last boss has a massive wang though, that's pretty funny I guess though...

  • PC, Completed; 17/02 -- Not quite as good as the first one, I'd say - but it's A LOT closer than I first expected it to be. It started off slowly, and I had a bit of trouble getting into it, but when it all came together I remembered why I loved the old Bioshock formula. After playing through, I'm actually hoping we'll be seeing more of Rapture in the future; the setting is a furtile land, needing just a willing developer to till it, teasing its many interwinding storys to the surface...

  • Xbox360, Completed; 04/04 -- Incredible. Like, blow your mind incredible. If the Grand Theft Auto series sticks to playing it straight and serious then I'll never mourn long as they keep making such rediculously fun OTT action in the form of Just Cause. Tying a guy to a car, driving it off a cliff before diving out, deploying a parachute, grappling to a helicopter, destroying an airport, then flying off into the sunset? Epic.

  • Xbox360, Completed; 16/04 -- I used to be a massive Splinter Cell fan back in the day, and when this got pushed back (R.I.P Emo Sam) I got pretty concerned, but dear god was it worth the wait... It's not your typical Splinter Cell by any means; it's alot more action-orientated, but the stealth in it turns out to be fantastically solid, the story was compelling, the graphics were brilliant, and most of all it's a straight-up fun game. The only real complaint I've got is the story isn't that long. All the extra modes go some way to making up for it, mind!

  • Xbox360, Completed; 20/04 -- Nothing to really say about this to be honest; it's a Guitar Hero game, you know what you're getting... Bit disappointed with the song selection, but "Blood and Thunder" by Mastodon makes up for it. Hell, bring on Guitar Hero: Blood and Thunder, i'd buy that up...

  • Xbox360, Completed; 08/05 -- Not my normal choice in music, but I'm a bit of a rhythm game fan, so when I was getting rid of Dante's Inferno (urgh...) I figured I'd pick it up. Like with Metallica I dont really know what much I could say; it's Guitar Hero with some fake turntable. Good fun, makes you feel pretty badass when you get good at it, but you'll never actually be able to do anything with your so-called "talent"...

  • Xbox360 (Ballad of Gay Tony), Completed; 09/05 -- I loved Grand Theft Auto IV, and while this was more of the age-old formula, it brought a feeling of the rediculous to the previously entirely too serious Liberty City. Hell, Omid Djalili and his gold helicopter of doom was awesome. So yeah, nice little note to end the GTA IV saga on, roll on GTA V...

  • Xbox360, Completed; 11/05 -- Imagine Geometry Wars, but with zombies instead of weird shapes... It's pretty fun and hectic in co-op for a while, but truth be told after about an hour/hour and a half it gets pretty boring. Shame, really...

  • Xbox360, Completed; 15/05 -- Finally got round to finishing the last couple of levels of this! This is how retro updates should be - it looks great for what it is (2D platformer), the humour is spot on, and most importantly once you get over the fact the dude can't jump for some reason, it plays brilliantly. There's a laundry list of retro games I'd love to see recieving some updating - if it were to ever happen I want this guys doing it!

  • Xbox360, Completed; 23/05 -- It's Metal Slug, that is to say, incredible. ROCKET LAWN-CHAIRRRR!

  • Xbox360, Completed; 29/05 -- Another game I finally got round to finishing after a massive gap... It's not the most amazing game in the world by any means, but it's head and shoulders the best console RTS you'll ever find - the control system works well for what you need to do, which is the biggest problem for RTS's on consoles... The story is, while a little cheesy, pretty awesome - and it's a nice extra bit of filler to help round out the Halo universe. Deserves a sequel.

  • Xbox360, Completed; 30/05 -- If it wasn't for Mass Effect 2, this would easily be my current Game of 2010. I mean, it's Grand Theft Auto IV in the wild west. I mean, literally; the minimap is the same but reskinned, hell, even the controls are EXACTLY the same. That is in no way a bad thing though; the graphics are incredible, there's so much to see and do, the story is compelling as hell and the ending will split opinion (personally I loved it from a narrative perspective but didn't like the situation it left you in afterwards (spoiler avoidance!)). Buy this game right now, you're on the internet, so do it. NOW.

    Seriously, go.