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@justin258:I can understand that, I on the other hand have an issue with the different angle being a perspective that's not in the actual Halo universe. But even with all of the disrepenciese, the biggest issue I have is how they portray the SPARTANs in the show. I have an issue with explaining this without an example so.....

The SPARTAN-II's are some of the most elite commandos in the UNSC, correct? Ever since their indoctrination into the SPARTAN-II program, they've been put through numerous selection & training courses that allow them to be the most lethal and capable special warfare unit in the UNSC. However, in the show, they treat SPARTAN's like their robots that can't operate without being given specific orders. I'm not just referencing the games here, I'm including the books as well. Why would you put someone through a 10+ year training pipeline when all you're going to do is treat them like mindless drones? This negates all of the previous missions where the SPARTANs proved themselves in prior engagements (Operations Silent Storm being a prime example).

If the show portrayed the SPARTAN team adequately instead of making it seem like the SPARTAN program was something brand new and untrustworthy, then I think I'd have an easier time adjusting to it. But that (along with a wide variety of other issues) is a major reason why I have a hard time watching it. So I'm going to avoid it. Hopefully you enjoy it though

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The problem that I have with the show is that it makes a very weak (and poor) attempt to include lore. I don't mean just from the games, I mean from the comics and books as well. What I don't understand is why the hell would the producers want to produce a show that isn't canon. That immediately sets up the entire series for something that ISN'T online with Halo. I was immensely disappointed with the show, merely based on the storyline and how it does NOT incorporate any of the lore/canon.