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@bahmirk: Hmmm I don't know about that. It's nice to see indie games get recognition beside the bigger AAA games of the year. Your right that not everyone will have played them, but lists like this are a good way to get them into the limelight and introduce them to potential new players.

I definitely disagree with you about deciding what's on the list prior to the podcast. Half of the fun comes from the extended debates.

OT: I've finally picked up hitman, this was the last bit of convincing I needed along with it being on steams winter sale. I'm really looking forward to getting stuck in.

DOOM however I would have further down the list. It's a grea. DOOM game, a fine one of them in fact. If not great. But it just doesn't do enough for me. It landed as very one note. Maybe hype killed it for me and I accept I'm in the minority but it just feels like a better more modern take on what serious Sam and its ilk have been doing for years. Which ironically is a modern take on DOOM. A good maybe even great game but not top of my list. I think it's makes sense for GB though, the all seemed to have a great time with the game.

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@sravankb: ah right I get ya. Sorry hungover mind ain't working properly today.

It's true though. I'd be pretty pissed if I collapsed at a gig and somebody just assumed because I'd been smoking cigarettes, having a beer and enjoying myself that it was my own fault.

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#3  Edited By dunc2j

@sravankb: not sure I get ya? Not meaning any harm. Just simply pointing out there can be more to a situation and it's wise not to assume. But I'm sorry if that came off the wrong way, I've no time for bullying of any kind so would hate to think that it's come off that way. High horse may have been too sharp an expression! :).

I second the concerns about the first responders. It's worrying that they would not even bother to go and assess the situation. It's possible he was just drunk passed out, but to be totally blacked out from booze takes a hefty hefty amount. I'd assume there is some other things going on be it self inflicted or not, however the first responders should have absolutely been all over that.

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Why are you assuming that him passing out has anything to do with Vaping or drinking? Dude could have some underlying health issues or it may have just been a freak health scare.

Get off your high horse.

Though as a smoker for 10 years I've always tried my best not to put other people in a situation where they are forced to inhale my smoke. People with e cigs often just blow the cloud all over, that drives me nuts.

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