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my GOD the new ratchet and clank game looks horrible...

now let me just say i love ratchet and clank, like a lot. 3 was my favorite for the longest time, and i even thought deadllocked was great. but this? THIS!? 
first off the title, all 4 one, oh i get it! 4 players and for and 4 sound the same. hehehe....GODDAMN YOU LEAD 4 DEAD! i knew this would happen! 
but i can look past the stupid title, after all, all ratchet and clank games have stupid titles. but the game is obviously a PARTY GAME! jsut look at clank! look at him. his head is twice the size it was in crack in time. and why is nefarious player 4? i can understand him being palyer 4 but they didn't bother to explain it! who's the bad guy then? is techien coming back? is it drek? vox maybe? who!?
and look at it! most of the trailer is platforming, in fact the entire trailer has 1 scene of gun play. 1 scene in a SHOOTER! ratchet is firing at some enemies with a generic looking pistol. so what will the other players use? how much you want to bet they don't fire weapons at all? what to you want to bet they all have "abilities" and ratchet's is he can shoot a gun? what the fuck man!
you know the worst part? resistance 3, which looks awesome,was announced at the same time. now, insomniac isn't a big company, so they can only work on 1 major game at a time. that means while they were spending time working hard to fix the issues in resistance 2 for 3, some assholes they hired off the street were working on ruining my favorite franchise! 
now, i have no issue with co-op in a ratchet game, but you can't base an entire game around it! GOD MAN this sin't rocket science!
well at least resistance 3 looks awesome.