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Sonic Mania delay and Sonic Forces Thoughts

So Sonic Mania got delayed from May 2016 to Summer 2016.

I have two things to say about this: I am sad and I am happy.

So I am sad because I really want to play this game. Simple as that. I'm a huge Sonic fan and of course this game evokes the older Sonic games that we all can agree that were the best Sonic games. Some are even more hardcore and call them the only good Sonic games. I do like Some of the 3D games but of course as an older fan I gravitate towards the older ones with Sonic 3 and Knuckles being the best one in my opinion. Also a delay usually makes me nervous. I usually think that if you delay a game it means something is wrong so they need to work some more on it. The game seems to be in good hands though because its developed by fans who have made some good fan made games or mods. I'm not too sure about that because I haven't delved into fan made games at all.

Reasons to be happy are that this game will get some extra development time and therefore be a better game. Also May is a very tough month for me. Not only is Mothers Day important for me as I am Mexican and down here Mothers Day is serious business, but my wife and I just had a kid on January and that makes her a mom now. So we got that and there are so many birthdays in my family that month including my mom! Bottom line I am always broke that month.

Project Sonic 2017 is now Sonic Forces.

I like the name and what this game seems to be invoking. So the story we pretty much knew from the teaser we got a few months ago. It seems to be that Dr Robotnik wins and Sonic failed to save the day. Seems very familiar... oh thats right its SATAM! SATAM is a cartoon from the 90's just called: Sonic the Hedgehog. In it Sonic leads a team of freedom fighters against Dr Robotnik who has taken over the world. All I can say that this is awesome. Even the slight mention or nod to SATAM is taking Sonic in the right direction. That being said cmon Sega just or bring that show back or incorporate that into the games already. I know its nearly impossible at this point so I will take what I can get with this new game.

What I find weird / don't like: classic Sonic returns. Don't get me wrong I loved Sonic Generations but were getting classic Sonic already in the form of Sonic Mania. The only way I will accept classic Sonic is if the classic Sonic levels are BEFORE Robotnik wins and tells the story of how or why things got bad. Don't just shove or force (HA!) classic Sonic into this just because Generations was great.

I've also seen people saying that the Wisps are back from Sonic Colors. I didn't finish Colors but I didn't like those damn things. Screw them I don't like them they control weird keep those damn things away from me.

Anyways 2017 is looking SO DAMN GOOD for everyone. New Zelda, new Mario and 2 good looking Sonic games. It truly is the best time to be playing video games



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First off congratulations on the birth of your child! That's awesome man

So I go to play some Sonic Mania which for some reason was at a Video card company's booth at PAX and it felt very much like to Sonic 1 to me. In fact one of the levels seemed to be a barely modified Green Hills Zone Act 1. I think it even had similar routes through the level, it felt like I was playing through muscle memory. Hard to say to say if that's a good or a bad thing, probably depends on what you want out of it.

Sonic Mania felt more like an expansion or a level pack to one of the old Genesis games than a proper new entry or a re-envisioning like New Super Mario Brothers was to classic mario. I'm personally ok with that, but I was hoping for something a bit more ambitious though. The performance on it was great though, didn't notice any latency whatsoever and framerate was buttery smooth. Couldn't even tell I wasn't playing on a CRT.

2017 is so stacked with games from killer franchises, it's nuts man. I'm happily drowning in Zelda as it is and I doubt I'll personally be done with it until I get 200 hrs in it at the rate I'm going, no idea how I'll even get to a lot of the good stuff this year.

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Sonic Mania seemed like it was in a great place when I played it at a Switch event, so more polish or content is fine by me.

Forces looks like Generations 2. And since I got 1000 achievements in Generations, I'm super excited about that.

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@eder: Yeah I'm with you, Playing on the WiiU myself. It plays a lot better on the gamepad than I would have expected, still prefer TV for the draw distance,

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Mania looks good. Haven't seen much of it but the pitch is good so I'll keep my eye on it for sure.

Forces looks good. Generations seems like it was decades ago now. I didn't bother with any of the Sonic Boom games but I really enjoyed Colors and Generations. Thought they struck a good balance of speed and actual platforming. Glad to see a new game like that.

And I'm rockin' BotW on the Wii U gamepad too lol

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Edited By ll_Exile_ll

Sonic Mania has been a day 1 buy for me since it was announced, and the delay doesn't really bother me that much.

As for the game, it looks like what Sonic 4 should have been in that it's picking from where Sonic 3 and Knuckles left off gamplay wise (elemental shields are awesome). Sonic 4 felt like more like a tribute game to Sonic 1 and 2 rather than the what a post S3&K 2D Sonic game made in the 90s would have been. The Sonic 4 titles both needlessly regressed to the Sonic 1 days and needlessly added modern elements like the homing attack. Sonic Mania looks way better.

As for Sonic Forces, I'm looking forward to it. I loved Sonic Colors and Sonic Generations, and it feels like someone at Sonic Team finally realized they were on to something with that gameplay style. After they'd made two consecutive well received game that finally managed to make Sonic work in 3D, I never understood why they squandered that potential and customer good will by ditching it for a Mario Galaxy clone (Sonic Lost World) and farming out a spin off to an outside developer that ended up terribly (Sonic Boom). The series was heading in the right direction and they destroyed that momentum almost immediately.

Still, I'm glad to see they've realized they had something good going and decided to build on that rather burn it all to ground yet again and start over. Plus, it's been 4 years since Sonic Lost World came out, so presumably this game has had a lengthy development cycle. Hopefully that means they've been able to make a solid 10+ hour game without having to resort to filler like Werehog stages, all those challenges in Generations, or having like 7 acts per zone like Sonic Colors.

A lengthy Sonic game in the Generations style with no garbage filler content would be amazing.

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Sonic Generations was a really good foundation that I thought they needlessly scrapped, so I'm glad they appear to be building on it.

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@ll_exile_ll: Oh man Sonic 4, what a dumpster fire. Not the game itself that was fine but like you said it really didn't know what it wanted to be. So much win in your post very good insight.

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Sonic Forces looks floaty and automatic, like the mediocre Generations. Sonic needs a haircut.

Sonic Mania looks overpriced for what it is. Basically, an enhanced mod. But it looks more fun than Forces.

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@ezekiel: I do like the more strut or jog like feel of SA2 I have to admit. I'm guessing you're not a fan of the series. Don't blame you there have been some crap Sonic games over the years but some of us have learned or gotten used to the "floaty" gameplay.

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Sonic Mania looks alright, but I've always been more of a Modern Sonic guy. I do like some of the classics, and adore Sonic CD, but the design decisions tend to put me off. Definitely a play for me though, but not jumping out of my seat or anything.

On that note, Sonic Forces looks freaking fantastic. A sequel to my favorite Sonic game, building on that near-perfect gameplay? Sign me up!

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Sonic Mania really is the culmination of all the work fans have been doing with hacks and fan games and it's really amazing to see SEGA just let them straight up make a new game.

My only real worry with it is that it seems like it going to be more remixed levels than new ones which is a kind of a bummer. tho they did show off some cool things like a fire shield burning some bits of Green Hill act 2 and opening a new area.

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@eder said:

@ezekiel: I do like the more strut or jog like feel of SA2 I have to admit. I'm guessing you're not a fan of the series. Don't blame you there have been some crap Sonic games over the years but some of us have learned or gotten used to the "floaty" gameplay.

Yeah, I preferred the way momentum worked in SA2 as well. But none of it works as nicely as the momentum in the 2D games. Out of all the Sonic games I played, the only good ones were the Mega Drive trilogy.

As for the game, it looks like what Sonic 4 should have been in that it's picking from where Sonic 3 and Knuckles left off gamplay wise (elemental shields are awesome).

I wonder why they keep using the Sonic 1 sprites instead of the Sonic 2 and 3 sprites in all these games. A proper sequel to Sonic 3 should look more like 3 than 1.

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@ezekiel: Oh thats right! I loved the sprites from Sonic 3 & Knuckles why not update those or use them?