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It all depends if you like the combat since that is all the game really is. Its basically a 3rd person fighting game with 12 characters which requires more situational awareness than most. So far im having alot of fun with it, even though im quite crap, but a warning; this aint a game you can just pick up and be decent at instantly. Theres quite a bit of depth to the combat, and its probably alot different from what youre used to.

The different game modes are imo quite fun, and the characters each feel distinct, and if you dont feel ready to face player theres a decent enough practice mode and the ability to fight against bots in the different modes (although some of those bots can still kick your ass). Ive found the story mode to be an ok romp through some scenic places, but im guessing it aint something ill be coming back to all that often.

All in all it depends if youd be satisfied with a different kind of fighting game. For me, chugging people of ledges or into spikes aint going to get old anytime soon ;)