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Best of 2015

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  • Incredible writing, a beautiful and coherent world, simply the best open world RPG I have ever played and I'm not even close to finishing it.

  • The most gorgeous looking 2D platformer I have ever played. The art design and the soundtrack are absolutely outstanding, the story is touching and the actual platforming is really good, too.

  • Great characters, unique mechanics for the genre (I think), a really well written game that keeps throwing surprises in your face. It's really cool.

  • The best horror game - that should also be a movie - I have ever watched (I have not played a single second of the game, but watched 3 full playthroughs of it) and I absolutely adore Until Dawn.

    It's basically a David Cage game done right, with lots of QTEs, in which your decisions directly influence who lives and who dies. Everyone can live and everyone can die.

  • SOMA's story alone is enough to keep you invested for as long as it lasts and despite the game's eerie atmosphere it is more fascinating than scary.

    "The ride down" might be one of the best moments I have ever had in video games.

  • Simply the best city-building game I have ever played.

  • This is one of the few games that really stuck with me after I was done playing it. It is thought-provoking in a way that you won't see coming and it can potentially be helpful to a lot of people.

  • From a purely mechanical point of view MGSV is one of the best feeling/playing stealth games out there. It controls extremely well with mouse and keyboard and as long as you don't expect a good story it seems like a great time (I haven't played that much of it yet, but really enjoyed the gameplay a lot).

  • This is my 2nd fully passive gaming experience in 2015 and it most likely would have ended up higher on this list if I had actually played it myself.

    Super Mario Maker lets you play and build levels from/for 4 of the best 2D Mario games ever made. For someone who grew up with those games it doesn't get much more appealing than that.

    In addition it is a blast to watch other people play this game.

  • The PC version of GTA5 is gorgeous, it controls well (with m&k), 2 out of the 3 characters that you play are very interesting/entertaining and it's just a really good GTA game.