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Shocking Through Time

Continuing in my exploration of Playstation 3 games, I completed Infamous in around 20 or so hours. This open-world game was more to my liking than the two Uncharted games I've played. Still, it didn't take long for some fatigue to set in as the third-person shooting combat and platforming diminished in novelty. While the mechanics are solid enough, there is a lack of silliness in the game (aside from the entertaining homing function of the missile-esque Megawatt Hammer) that I desire from open-world games. Compared to the grappling hook antics of Just Cause 2 and the ridiculous powers of Prototype, Infamous is a bit drab. Adding to this, the platforming has frustrated me at some points when the character fails to grab an important beam or ledge and I don't understand why he failed.

The game looks and sounds well enough though the frame rate suffers from slow down. The game locked-up on me twice. The story was fine until it reached's stupid conclusion. I have Infamous 2 so I hope to see Sucker Punch improve.

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